Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Appetizers Salt Oil Lenses ...

Bread: 1. The yeast in the lukewarm water touched out. The oil is added. 2. Then met the flour and spices in a little of the flour back, keep the amount of hanging of where dry flour is. 3. Roll out dough happy and round (as a pizza-bottoms, bake thicker) an

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Pasta: 1. Bring water, salt and oil to a boil in a large pot with a lid. 2. Add the pasta and boil as directed on package-without lid. 3. When pasten is cooked, pour it in a strainer. Bacon law: 4. The carrots peeled and cut into thin writes. 5. Porrene

Desserts (cold) Water Vanilla rod Raspberry ...

RIDs a cross in the peaches in the top and bottom, chicken them for a moment in a pot of boiling water and then put then in ice-cold water. Arrow skin by peaches, share them in two and remove the stone. Fill 1.5 dl water into the Pan, add the sugar and a vanil

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Yeast Water ...

dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water. Add salt. tilsaæt wheat flour. Let it raise 1 hour into the bowl. pour the batter into a baking pan coated with wax paper. Let it raise a further 1 hour. brush the dough with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and other kryd

Mains Basillikum pesto Bread Chili ...

Mix a bit of pestoen with the finely chopped chilli and olive. Lyft skin from the chicken pieces and butter pesto mixture onto meat. Put the skin back into place. Seasoned with salt and pepper and FRY in the oven at 200 ° for kødsaften is ready. Porresaute

Mains Pepper Salt White wine ...

The still frozen salmon pieces out in a thick-bottomed pan, water and white wine poured over. The onion and chop leek and carrot cut into cubes and add along with 25 g of butter. Be brought slowly to a boil, boil small in 15-20 minutes. Salmon strips are taken

Soups Salt Corn Minute noodles ...

Bring water to a boil and then add the two bullionterninger. They came diced tomatoes and 2 tbsp paprika in and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes of time. The soup be smoothed so it has the proper soup consistency. Finally add the corn, and minute noodles in

Desserts (warm) Water Corn starch Sugar ...

Rinse and nip the berries. Boil them until tender in 2-3 minutes in water. Season to taste with sugar. Udrør majstivelsen with water. Pour smooth no in the porridge stirring. Cook the porridge in a minute. Tips: The following fruits are also suitable for f