Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Desserts (cold) Season to taste with sugar Whipped cream Water ...

applesauce: Peel the apples and cut out the core boxes. Cut the apples into pieces and put them in a pan of water and vanilla sugar. Give them a boil and then cook them gently until they mash completely. Stir in them occasionally so they do not burn. When the

Mains Neck Giblets from the goose Suit ...

Thaw the goose into the refrigerator for 3-3½ days. Remove the infant bag and the fat cream. Cut the fat glands off the gump, or cut it completely and use it for the cloud. Cut off the wing tips. Wipe the bird in and out with a kitchen roll and rub it in and o

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

A good crisp hard is available if you scratch the tail narrowly, with ½ - ¾ cm, space. The salt draws the water out of the bacon, which makes it more crispy. Lay the ladder with the sword down in a small pan. Pour boiling water on, so the hard is just cover

Mains Neck Organ meats from other Suit ...

Thaw someone else in the fridge for 2-3 days. Remove the infant bag and the fat cream. Cut the fat glands off the gump, or cut it completely and use it for the cloud. Cut off the wing tips. Wipe the bird in and out with a kitchen roll. Rub it in and out wit

Mains Onion Leaf celery Crushed garlic ...

Season garlic, peperoncino and bacon in the oil. When golden, add finely chopped onion, celery and carrot. When the loaf has got color, pour the little potato and basil and pour for about 15 minutes. Then pour white wine and about 1 liter of boiling water in t

Desserts (warm) Lactose free margarine Cardamom Sugar ...

Mix flour, sugar and cardamom. Whip the thin Nutramigen mixture (6-8 goals Nutramigen dissolved in the 3-4 dl water) for a little while at a lump-free dough. Whip egg in. Melt the margarine on the pan and pour it into the dough. The grease to the baking is mel

Mains Suit Paprika Pepper ...

Mix the meat with finely chopped onions and stir well with eggs, rasp and water or Danish water. Season with salt, pepper and possibly. paprika. The cabbage is halved and the stick is cut out. The leaves are peeled apart, boiled in low salt water until they

Bread, buns & biscuits Sourdough Water Rye flour ...

1 day: Bring the sourdough with lukewarm water, salt, rye kernels, rye flour and wheat flour. The dough is covered with a dish and raises 12-24 hours. 2 days: Take a cup of herb from, until next time. Sprinkle with salt and tuna with stanniol. Put it in t