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Recipes with Vinegar

Cakes in form Vinegar Oatmeal Walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds (may be omitted) ...

The dry ingredients are mixed in a bowl. Add oil, vinegar and water and possibly. nuts. Pour the mixture into a lubricated round spring shape and back at 170 degrees for approx. 35 minutes tips: Vanilla tofu is perfect for that.

Lunch Wholemeal bread Pepper Chives ...

Egg Cake: * Turn on the oven at 200º. * Season onions and curry in half of the oil. * Put squash, pepper and potatoes in the tern on the forehead and sweat for a couple of minutes. * Add water and put a lid on the forehead. * Boil until the water is evapora

Mains Corn starch Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oil in a deep pan or pan and quickly swirl the shredded vegetables in it. Add 1 dl. Broth and let the vegetables spin for 3-4 minutes. Add the pineapple pieces and juice, soy sauce and vinegar. Smoothly with corn starch and taste with salt and pepper

Mains Onion Coarse salt Water ...

Rinse the fillets and dip them dry. Cut them into suitable portion sizes. Bring the water to boil with vinegar, salt, onion rings, bay leaves and whole peppercorns. Bring the fish pieces into the boiled water and let them boil small for 8-10 minutes. Take the

Mains Pepper Salt Culotte 1.2 – 1.5 kg at (possibly 1 cuvette) ...

Bring the culotte into a non-large saucepan with soup and 1 tbsp. salt. Pour water so that the meat is just covered. Bring it to boil and foam for impurities. Let the meat boil quietly under low approx. 1 hour. Remove the pot from the heat and let the meat tak

Mains Vinegar A large lump of lean beef Wheat flour ...

The steps are covered with vinegar and pull for 10-14 hours. Rinse the steps in water, season with salt and pepper and brown in margarine, cover with water and boil for 1½ to 2 hours. The steps are taken up and the water is brought to a good thick sauce.

Sauces Water Vinegar Corn flour ...

Dissolve sugar in water in a saucepan stirring, simmer slightly. Clean and squeeze garlic. Dodge chili and remove kernels. Chop them roughly. Boil chilli and garlic at least 5 minutes. In solution. Blend the sauce with a blender. Season with vinegar, salt a

Bread, buns & biscuits Vinegar Fennel Salt ...

Dissolve yeast in the lukewarm water The ingridiens are sorted in a large dish or pot and stirred together Handle well and raise to double size Put in 2 baking molds and add for approx. 45 min. Bake at 200 gr in a preheated oven for 45 min. tips: A sup