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Recipes with Sesame seeds

Appetizers Chili Olive Oregano ...

Eggplant for about 1 cm-thick slices to be brushed with olive oil and turned into a mixture of sesame seeds, oregano, chili, garlic and possibly. Second, as you like. Put on a baking tray with baking paper, upstairs be tomato slices + chopped or halved olive

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sesame seeds ...

Chop the hazel nuts into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients wiping. Mix the wet ingredients together. Add the wiping of the wet mixture and knead thoroughly. Add if necessary. more flour if the dough stick. Let raise in 60 min. Form dough into 15 buns,

Appetizers Salt Oil Lenses ...

Bread: 1. The yeast in the lukewarm water touched out. The oil is added. 2. Then met the flour and spices in a little of the flour back, keep the amount of hanging of where dry flour is. 3. Roll out dough happy and round (as a pizza-bottoms, bake thicker) an

Breakfast & brunch Magarine to frying HK. hazelnuts Desiccated coconut ...

1. melt margarine in the Pan 2. Mix all the ingradienserne together and grate them on the forehead. 3. be careful they do not burn on!! 4. Cool müslien and add raisins 5. eat to fruit yougurt. Tips: mix, if desired. honding in it on the forehead to hen

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Oatmeal Flax seed ...

Put all ingredients in a bowl and stir together. Portion dough into two portions and place each portion on a piece of oil greased wax paper. Then put a piece of wax paper over the oil lubricated and roll with a rolling pin as flat as possible. Turn the oven on

Mains White pepper Eggs Coarse salt ...

Tærtedej: Flour, Sesame and salt are mixed together. The butter is cut into thin slices and friable in meles with the fingertips. Water is added and the dough mixed to a thick dough. Let the dough rest 10 min. in the refrigerator. Roll the dough out on a light

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Sesame seeds Plain yogurt ...

0pløs the yeast in the water. Add the yogurt, salt, flour, sesame seeds and 2/3 of the flour. Knead the dough and add more flour to dough continuously is soft and supple. Let dough raise in 1 hour. Portion dough into 16 pieces and roll each piece into a long

Midnight snacks White pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Heat oven to 275 degrees. Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a pan and fry the onion outright. Thaw the spinach and stuff the fluid of. Place it in the Pan and let it simmer, covered, about 10 mins. Share while the round børd in quar