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Recipes with Sesame seeds

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Buttermilk Yeast ...

Sour milk lunes a little, it divides, but it doesn't matter. Buttermilk and water mix in a bowl. Break into pieces and stir the yeast in. Flaxseed, sesame seeds, salt and whole wheat flour is stirred into the Dough covered with aluminum foil or film; and made

Bread, buns & biscuits Together the beaten egg Sesame seeds Wheat flour ...

5-kornsblanding and water boil for a few minutes, then stir butter-milk in. When the mixture is cooled to hand warm, dissolve the yeast in it. The other ingredients are added, then sifted wheat flour in a little at a time and the dough is kneaded until it i

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Wheat bran Sea salt ...

Mix everything, so the dough is firm. If there is too much moisture in it is not to work with, or to bake, so it must have much longer in the oven. It is easier to put a little more coarse spelt flour in, or leave it a bit then sucks the coarse ingredients

Appetizers Pepper Salt Together the beaten egg ...

Peel peeled and cut into 2 cm thick slices. Slices steamed 5 minutes in lightly salted water and allow to cool. Celery, invert the first in egg and then in the sesame seeds. FRY in margarine. Kinaradisse and carrots peeled and cut into 1 x 1 cm cubes. Steame

Mains Lettuce leaves Sesame seeds Tomato ketchup ...

1. Add the yeast in a large bowl. Pour lukewarm water on and leave it for a bit before you touch around with a spoon. 2. come ymer, salt, sugar and oil in. 3. Add the flour in a little at a time. First, you touch with a spoon, and when the dough becomes too

Bread, buns & biscuits A dusting of sesame seeds flax seeds or poppy seeds to last Eggs Green pumpkin seeds ...

sunflower seeds and pumpkin core roasted Golden on a dry pan, and all the ingredients are mixed. the dough is divided into 2 equal pieces, and the rolled thin out. This is done most easily by rolling the dough out between two pieces of wax paper directly on t

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour on slums Sesame seeds Cardamom-can be omitted ...

Crumble the yeast and stir it in lukewarm water. Add cremefraishe, oil, salt, syrup, cardamom, stir this well together. Add oatmeal, almonds, oat bran, sifting and stir it well. Now add the wheat flour on slum until you have a good batter, not too fas

Bread, buns & biscuits Sesame seeds Oil Salt ...

Came the yeast in a large bowl. Pour lukewarm water on and leave it for a bit before you stir around Pour the milk, salt, sugar and oil in Came the flour in a little at a time and knead the dough together out on the table at last Put a clean Tea towel over