Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Salads Pepper Grated onion Sweet mustard ...

mix the curdled milk and sour cream. Season to taste with onions and spices, cut kartoflernei thin slices and turn it in at least 1/2 hour before serving

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Steam the spinach, to væden has evaporated. Slice the onion and carrots into thin slices. Put the plates are layered with lasagna spinach, onions and carrots then sauce, salt oge pepper. Then the spinach, fish, onion and Mornay sauce and another layer spinach,

Mains Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Sauté the sliced peppers, and mushroom porere, without the tar coloring on the forehead, and it came over in a greased casserole dish. Cut the tenderloin into 8 patties, Brown on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Butter steaks with mustard and

Mains Cucumber Feta cheese Vegetables for a mixed salad URf.eks ...

Form 4 patties of horse meat Came them up on a fat-free frying pan and let them cook until they are golden brown in color then add the spices and salt and let the steaks Cook finished Low a mixed salad and serve to

Soups Ciabatta bread Fresh parsley Marjoram ...

Profile chili and garlic to a fine blend. Pour the oil in a pan and gently fry the chilli, garlic together pasta-chicken mixture. Sprinkle with oregano, marjoram and parsley, baby with bouillon and soup simmer 7-8 my lan, to the pasta is tender. Season with sa

Sauces Minced parsley Oil Pepper ...

slice the tomatoes and chop onion in both. put a little oil in a frying pan and add the tomatoes and onion and salt/pepper and parsley. Let Cook ldit so the juice boils in and it gets a little thicker. Let it derefefter small boiling 5-10 min. mix in the cooke

Mains Pepper Eggs Breadcrumbs ...

The minced beef and place in a bowl and stir in the breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. The egg is stirred in and then stir the milk in. Forcemeat is stirred well and put in a greased baking pan shaped like a loaf of bread. Cocktail sausages plug in the forcemeat

Mains Curry Paprika Pepper ...

Fry the bacon and chopped onion together in a large pan, then met in a large heat-proof platter. Clean and cut them into steaks, fillets must as printed easily. Fry the steaks in the fat add if necessary. a little butter and a little Curry, 2-3 min on each