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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes, cooked until tender Eggplant cut into smaller pieces Eggplants fried in oil until they are done When the eggplants are done, add the potatoes to the Pan The eggs are beaten and add salt and pepper as desired. the milk also added the egg mass is

Mains Olive oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. The garlic is squeezed and sauté in a pan in the oil, Brown the meat along with the garlic until it is browned and then mix the diced tomatoes, tomato paste, oregano and the liquid in and boil quietly up and season with salt

Dressing Pepper Rosemary The juice from half a lemon ...

Mix all indgredienserne in a bowl. Put it in the fridge and let it soak 30 minutes. Server as a dressing for pasta Tips: If you start with making the dressing, it can draw while you make pasta. so goes the whole thing a bit faster

Mains Onion Lenses Oil ...

Cook the lentils until tender in lightly salted water, half com hakketkød + flour + salt and pepper in a bowl, grate 1 onion in and mix it together, low 15-20 meatballs at meat mixture. got a little oil on the forehead and brund them at high level. rice.

Mains Father's Fresh or dried oregano Pan or oven-fried kartofelbåde and carrot pieces ...

Stir all the ingredients for the stuffing together and place it in a large loaf of 2-3 layer 1-2 layer with broccoli and bell pepper between the layers. Benefit the oil on the surface, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake bread at 190 degrees C in dad's 45-60 mi

Mains Canned tomato Minced beef White cabbage ...

Brown a 1 kg beef in a saucepan. (½ kg if it is a little hvidkåls head) Add salt and pepper to taste When the meat is browned, you can add a can of diced tomatoes to give a little color. 3 dl water came in. Put the fintsnittede cabbages on the flesh which

Mains Allround (or what you even desires) Pepper Salt ...

First you nicked the garlic and svitser them in a pan, then Tanner you flesh and taste it with the spices ... So you put the water on to the spaghetti (throw bouillionterningen in, it gives a good taste). Back to the sauce when you have tasted it to pour

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Koteletterne seasoned with salt and pepper. Invert the first in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. FRY on pan in butter or margarine 4-5 minutes on each side. Ratatouille: vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. Came the oil in the