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Recipes with Pepper

Lunch Oil Pepper Salt ...

Blend corn and milk. Chop onions and spices in the oil. Whip the eggs well together. Mix all the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper. Bring the mixture into a greased oven dish (30 x 25 cm). Behind 200 degrees for approx. 45 min. Server salad

Mains Fresh Arugula Vegetables Garlic ...

Slice the vegetables into slices and brush them with a little oil and salt and pepper and rub some garlic on them. Make a small bag of foil. Grill / grease the vegetables on each side and put them in the bag for approx. 10 minutes on the heat. When ready, t

Mains Dough Pepper Salt ...

Yeasts are piped out in lukewarm water. Oil, salt and half of the flour are added. The rest of the flour is stirred for a while, until the dough releases the bowl, but has not become too firm. The dough is thoroughly kneaded and then raised for raising while t

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil ...

Dough: Margarine is melted in a saucepan. The milk is added. The yeast is poured into the lukewarm milk. Reef potatoes added. Bring salt and pepper in. The flour is added slightly at a time to appropriate consistency. The dough is kneaded well and raises 30 mi

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt Lukewarm water ...

Stir yeast into the water. Add the other ingredients and flour until it becomes a smooth dough. Let it stand and raise for a couple of hours, preferably longer. Slice the dough through and roll it thinly and stick round "dough" with a diameter of approx. 12

Mains Pepper Eggs Small fresh chili ...

The margarine is melted in a saucepan. The milk is added. The yeast is poured into the lukewarm milk. Reef potatoes added. Bring salt and pepper in. The flour is added slightly at a time to appropriate consistency. The dough is kneaded well and raises 30 minut

Mains Pepper Salt (approx. 300 g) puff pastry ...

Mix tomatoes, cheese, sage, garlic and season with salt and pepper. Cut the dough into pieces of 5x5 cm. Bring cream on each piece of bread. Fold the dough into a triangle and brush with egg. Bake the Pirogger in the oven at 200 ° C for 10 minutes. Serve th

Mains Fresh chives Pepper Eggs ...

Roll the thawed butterdish plates a little larger and divide them to make four pieces of each plate. The shrimp are chopped roughly and mixed with the other ingredients. Put 1 tbsp. Fill one half of each piece of butter. Fold the other half of the dough ove