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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Oregano, dried Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees C. alm. oven. Peel the bread well and mix it with fried egg, tomato juice, crushed garlic and spices. Add the meat and knead it well. Wrap the dad on a piece of baking paper, cut the fat edge of the ham and put them on the da

Mains Dried Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the spinach thoroughly and remove the roughest stems. Arrow and heel loosened. Melt the butter and let the loaf sweat in it. Add the spinach and let it steam until it just drops. Mix the meat with rasp and stir the eggs one at a time. Stir in milk. Se

Mains Pepper Salt Danish water ...

Mash the boiled potatoes and mix them with the chopped meat. Peel and chop onions and asy in the meat. Stir eggs and Danish water. Season with salt and pepper. Leave the meat cold for 1 hour. Scrub the potatoes clean and cut them into slices. Wipe the potato s

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Brush a rye bread (21 x 14 x 7 cm) with s, crushed butter or oil. And clothe the shape with baking pan. Bring the meat in a large bowl together with the other ingredients and stir well. Squeeze the mixture well into the mold. Bake

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Heat the oven to 250 °. Mix the stuff to the dad and shape it into a loaf of bread. Put the dough bread in a refractory dish. And rip it 3-4 times across as for French bread. Stitch fade into the dad. Place the dish in the middle of the oven and lower the h

Mains Pepper Thyme, dried Oatmeal, finvalsede ...

Oatmeal is soaked in the milk. Hammeed, finely chopped onions, thyme, salt and pepper are added and the father is stirred together. The parsley is peeled and rubbed roughly. The beans are cut into small pieces of approx. 1 cm. Parsley and beans are boiled i

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Eggs ...

Bring the rice into boiling water with salt. Stir around to the water again and cook the rice according to the instructions on the package. Stir meat, eggs, milk and spices to a father. Add the cooked, slightly chilled rice. Fill: Mix parsley, garlic and

Mains Chanterelles Pepper Salt ...

Mashed potatoes. Mix the chopped meat with potatoes, whipped cream, soy and spices. Eat the dad well through. Form the dad to a loaf - put in a greased oven dish. Brush the dough with a little melted butter and then raise it approx. 45 minutes at 175 degree