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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Herb bouquet of 2 stems thyme, 5 sprigs of parsley, bay leaf Pepper Salt ...

Place the bristles in cold water for 1 hour. Boil them in salted water 2-3 minutes. Rinse them immediately in cold water and remove obstacles, veins and other impurities. Chop the onions and tear the carrots. Cut the pores well. Season the vegetables in the

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Cut the vegetables into small pieces. Pil dropped and stabbed the carnations. The veal loosened from the legs with a sharp knife. Rub with salt and pepper and turn it into flour. Heat the grease in a pan, put the calves and let them brown for 10 minutes. Add t

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

The tails are divided into the joints, browned in the margarine and twisted quietly, while the leeks and carrots are arranged. The vegetables are added in large pieces. The dish smashes 45-50 minutes with moisture and spices. When the dish is almost tender,

Mains Pepper Salt Small bunch parsley ...

Turn the calf hearts with salt and pepper and stir them quickly in a very warm wok with butter and oil. Take the meat up. Now sip finely sliced ​​onions for 3 minutes. And add cleaned mushrooms in a quarter. Leave them brown and sprinkle with broth and simmer

Mains EVS. little jævning Coarse salt Pepper ...

Rinse thoroughly and thoroughly clean the "worm" or allow the butcher to help. Remove tribes and tendons. Dip the heart with paper from the kitchen roll. Sprinkle some salt and pepper into the heart. Bowl of parsley. Assemble heart and fasten with meatballs. S

Mains Celery Salt Pepper ...

The shank pieces are dried, turned into flour, salt and pepper and browned in margarine. Water, broth and salt poured over. cooking time: Below low approx. 1½ hours. Purified herbs cut into elongated pieces. The dish roast another half an hour, until th

Mains Wheat flour to pudring A little olive oil Oil for sautéing ...

The calfskank slices are sprinkled with flour and sautéed easily in olive oil in a steak or sautepande. When the slices are well-sourced (without taking color) add white wine and garlic sauce. Pour water on - so the slices are barely covered with moisture. Spr

Mains A little wheat flour Oil for frying Pepper ...

The calves are cut around so that they do not contract during frying. Brush in a pan in oil, sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. The water is added to beef bush, red wine and bay leaves, poured over the shanks, boiling on low heat until they are tender appro