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Recipes with Pepper

Mains A little oil Mussels after taste Pasta/pizza spice ...

The pasta is boiled tenderly. Pears, onions and carrots are easily swirled in oil. The pasta is divided into a pie form, the vegetables are distributed as well as tuna prawns and mussels. The egg whites are whipped with spices and poured over the pie. Bake in

Sauces Pepper The juice of a lemon Salt ...

Hazelnuts blend with garlic. Up in a small bowl, add the juice of a lemon, two tablespoons olive oil, two tablespoons Greek or Turkish yogurt, a small bunch of chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion lemon juice ...

The avocado is broken and removed from the skull. It mashed into a bowl. Lemon juice is added (for the avocado to not turn brown). Garlic peel and squeeze into the avocado bag. Onions are peeled and chopped into very small pieces - come in the bog. The avocado

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

Clean the fish Freeze the pepper for seeds and seeds. Cut it into thin strips. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Cut the pork into thin rings and plan the carrot and celery on the rough side of the roast iron. Place the vegetables in a grease

Mains Pepper Salt Soup may ...

The veal meat is boiled for 1½ to 2 hours with soup, carrots and potatoes. The meat is cut into suitable pieces, the vegetables are picked up by the soup. The peas are boiled, the soup from the meat is leveled with a buttercup. The vegetables are cut into suit

Sides A knob of butter A little butter Pepper ...

First make a cauliflower pie of ¼ cauliflower cut into small pieces. They are quenched for a few minutes in a saucepan with a little butter without taking color. Then pour 1 dl of milk into the pan and the cauliflower is boiled completely tender under the lid.

Mains Pepper Salt Barbecue sauce ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius. oven. Mix meat, eggs, corn flakes, finely chopped mustard, mustard, salt and pepper in a bowl, let it pull approx. 30 minutes. Form 24 small balls and put them in a frying pan. Bring it lightly in the oven for 15

Mains Bean sprouts EVS. 1 small ripe mango EVS. 1 tbsp. grated cheese ...

Cut a lid of the tomatoes. Pour them free of kernels and cut tomato meat into small cubes. Arrow and heel loosened. Mix tomatoes, onions and corn kernels. Peel the orange peel and mix all the ingredients for the dressing together. Season with salt and peppe