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Recipes with Pepper

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Boil the pasta in leachate water. Let it drain and cool. Clean the vegetables and spoon onions, green pepper, mushrooms and carrots in thin strips. marinade: Pour vinegar and lemon juice into a bowl and add a little salt and freshly squeezed pepper. Stir u

Salads Flat-leaf parsley EVS. a little white wine Pepper ...

The pasta is boiled al dente and rinsed in cold water. If the octopus is healthy cut the arms and hinders and turn it as a stocking. Cut the squid into 1 cm thick rings. Stir the slices for a few minutes in oil. Add the crushed garlic and after 1 minute whi

Salads Lime Pepper Salt ...

Wash or rinse the glue and tear the shell to the marinade. Squeeze the juice for juice. Whip a marinade of oil, honey, gratin and juice, salt and pepper. Cook the pasta as instructed on the package, rinse it in cold water and let it drip into a sieve. Po

Salads Minced parsley Minced chives Pepper ...

Boil the pasta in salted water and cool it. (Add some olive oil if necessary). Divide the cauliflower into small bouquets. Cut the tomatoes in both. Mix it all together with peas. dressing: Mix the cream with chopped parsley, chives, salt and pepper. Po

Mains Crushed juniper berries Pepper Salt ...

Peel off the animal rye and remove the 2 small sirloin sits on the underside (store them on yourself. Shake them on a frying pan in the thyme, server with wild-shovel sauce and crispy vegetables). The slurry is lubricated with butter and brune now in the ov

Salads Dressing Pepper Juice of ½ lemon ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Cut and cut cucumber, red pepper and onions in small pieces. Mix pasta and chopped vegetables in a serving bowl. Mix oil, feta cheese, lemon juice, mustard and pepper for a consistent consis

Mains The Fund from the baking pan Suit Pepper ...

Put the animal back on a greased baking pan, season with freshly sliced ​​salt and pepper. Put the animal back in a preheated oven at 250 degrees C. alm. Oven approx. 10 minutes until it is browned. Take it out, lower the temperature to 200 degrees C. al

Mains A little butter Pepper Salt ...

Trim the animal back to the ends with a sharp knife, remove the 2 small sirloin under the back, just peel them on a hot frying pan, or they will dry. Brown the back in the oven at 225-250 degrees. Take your back and brush with butter, add ½ liter broth to t