Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leeks

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

The onion is chopped and smoked in margarine until the onions are soft. (5) Add curry and stir around approx. 1 min. (4) Add chicken in strips or tern (5) - stir around and leave for a while and when the meat looks white, put on the porridge - stir for appro

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the fillets into 2-3 cm wide strips and shake them in a bag of flour and salt. Quickly raise the fish in butter on a forehead. Take the fish up. Cut slices of diced and gourmets in cubes wrap it all on the forehead for 4-5 minutes in butter add garlic b

Sides Pepper Salt Onion ...

The vegetables are cut and cooked tenderly. The water is poured off and it is stirred for linden porridge with egg and milk. Bradepane about 25 min 200 gr.

Sides Freshly ground white pepper Salt Butter ...

The pears are cut into slices and softened in cold water and thoroughly cleaned. Dip the pores well. In a pot melt some butter and the porridge is sautéed for a few minutes without taking color. Season with a little salt and pepper and add the cream a little a

Lunch Milk Pepper Salt ...

Bake approx. 25 min. At 200 degrees in baking pan with baking paper. Filling: Peaches and ham are spun on the forehead, added spicy cheese. Butter on the "egg cake" and roll it to a roulade.

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Boil the chicken in salted water. Cut it into the tern. Step bacon off on a pan. Pour off the grease. Pour mornaysovsen into a saucepan by low heat. Cut the pears into rings, put them in a pan of boiling water and blanch them. Take them up before they get stu

Soups Spices such as Basil Rosemary oregano Pepper Salt ...

Chop the ripe tomatoes, pears, onions and garlic. Pour the chopped canned tomatoes, the ripe tomatoes, spices in a blender and mix well. Season the chives, onions, garlic in a deep saucepan. Pour the mixed mixture. Let the soup boil well while stirring. Now l

Soups Salt Vegetable bouillon cube Handful of cauliflower ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry it in a pan until it becomes slightly Golden. Cut the carrots and leeks into small slices and blom cabbage chopped. So come to water, carrots, cauliflower, leeks, pasta and the cube in. Season with salt. Cook for abou