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Recipes with Leeks

Soups Pepper Piquant cheese Mushroom ...

Onions are switched, meat is switched, then filled, cheese and mushrooms are finally arrived. tips: Can be made a day before, the cheese and mushrooms come first for some time before it is served.

Sides Little sky from the flesh Pepper Cream cheese naturel ...

1. The pores are cleaned and cut into thin slices. 2. Carrots are cleaned and torn roughly. 3. Season the vegetables in margarine, cream cheese, cream, cloud and spices. Boil lightly with stirring. Let it simmer without lid. tips: Can easily be made t

Mains Curry Potatoes for 4 pers Boiling water ...

The Gris-O-Letters will probably be ordered today at the butcher, I do not think they can be bought anymore, you can also make them yourself, see under addictive comments. The gris-o-glasses are browned on both sides and placed in a small frying pan or oven-p

Soups Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

Cook the bacon and take it. Fat from. While rinsing the vegetables, cut them into even sizes. Add all the vegetables (minus the peas). Add the chopped navy tomatoes and basil, pour the broth and simmer for 15 minutes. The peas are added for the last 2-3 minu

Mains Coconut milk Squash Lemon juice ...

1. Cut the meat into thin strips. (Put it in the fridge. 2. Peel the carrot, arrow onions, cleanse the porridge and blame the squash. 3. Cut all the vegetables in julienne. 4. Put the meat in hot oil at high heat in a saucepan / wok. 5. Add curry and squee

Mains Solve rice Pepper Parsley ...

Peel the apples and cut them into cubes. Cut the pears into fine rings. Put the garlic in 8 parts. Heat the oil on a pan and season apples, leeks and garlic without taking color. Add the chopped tomatoes, bay leaves and peppers. Season with salt and pepper and

Soups Pepper Salt Cream ...

Clean the mushroom and cut them into thin slices. Clean the pores, rinse them thoroughly and cut them into fine slices. Clean the pears and cut them into small terns. Heat a slice-light pan and turn the mushrooms in it. They must not take color. Add leeks a

Mains Pepper Salt Minced parsley ...

Distribute fish fillets with plaice, scrub or icing into a greased ovenproof dish. Sweat coarse celery, coarse carrots and pears cut into thin rings in margarine. Pour dry white wine or fish broth and let the vegetables simmer approx. 5 minutes. Add chopped pa