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Recipes with Grated cheese

Mains Barbequekrydderi Oregano Pepper ...

All of the ingredients except the cheese mix together and stir with a whipping for a father. The steaks are shaped and fried on a frying pan till they become Brown, after which they will be put in an ovenproof dish. The cheese is distributed over the steaks, a

Mains Barbequekrydderi Oregano Pepper ...

All of the ingredients except the cheese mix together and stir with a whipping for a father. The steaks are shaped and fried on a frying pan till they become Brown, after which they will be put in an ovenproof dish. The cheese is distributed over the steaks, a

Soups Pepper Grated cheese The season's vegetables URf.eks white cabbage cauliflower celery green beans and the like ...

The oil and the bacon, which is sliced into strips, warmed in the pan. The chunks of vegetables, peeled tomatoes (without seeds) and the pressed garlic cloves Sauté with. It all seasoned with salt pepper and have to thin water down up with soup, water and whit

Soups Franskbrøds discs Paprika Pepper ...

Let the butter melt in the open quick cooker and got the onions that are cut into thin slices, sprinkle with flour and let it simmer until it begins to take on color. Stir in butter bread roll smooth and season with salt, pepper and a little paprika. Close qui

Mains Fresh chopped Basil or parsley Pepper Salt ...

Cut a lid of the tomatoes, and hollow-out them with a teaspoon. Save the land set aside. Cut the courgetten in pieces on a par with the tomatoes, and hollow-out them so little bottom is preserved. Save the land set aside. Sauté the onion in the oil, add the me

Mains Dill EVS. lobster pasta Bay leaf ...

Mushrooms, cleaned, cut into slices and FRY in a little butter. Add the whipping cream udrørt with wheat flour and white wine, bay leaf, dill, salt and pepper, let it boil well through. Flavor to pasta with lobster or lobster broth. Put cooked lobster diced ge

Salads Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, and season with lemon, salt and pepper. Make the filling ready and flip it in mayonnaise mixture. Serve with lemon and wholemeal bread.

Sides Grated cheese Spinach Thawed puff pastry ...

Slice the fillet plates in four squares and roll them thinned slightly with a rolling pin. Put grated cheese and spinach on each piece and close together on the filling. Behind the Neapolitan loaves in a hot oven until they are lightly golden.