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Recipes with Grated cheese

Mains Bacon, diced Chicken into strips Paprika ...

Put the water on to boil and the pasta. Brown chicken in oil in a pan, add the bacon and onion. tilderefter tomato purré and stir well. Add the mushrooms, then slowly add the cream and cocktail sausages then paprika and let boil up; season with Salt and pep

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Came the cooked and still warm spaghetti in a greased, ovenproof dish. Saute the bacon in a pan and gently fry the Golden dice onions, carrots and celery in it. The meat came in and let it spin to it has changed color. Pour the tomato puree and broth in. Let t

Sides Pesto Grated cheese Oil ...

Mushrooms, cleaned. Saute the halved mushrooms FRY in hot oil until they are golden. Pestoen be turned around in the mushrooms, and then poured in a baking dish. Sprinkle the grated cheese over and then cakes in the oven at 200 gr. The cheese should be mel

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Salmon el forelrogn. Grated cheese ...

1. Cook the pasta according to instructions on package 2. Scrape and rinse the carrot into narrow strips. Cut the washed leeks into narrow strips. Cut the salmon into strips. 3. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and let carrot and Leek spin it tender. Came

Mains Limit ground pepper Paprika Grated cheese ...

Sheds fillets must order for tendons and membrane and cut it into 4-6 pieces. Style pieces up for grabs and bank them out a little with the hand of the root. Brown steaks in butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour the vegetables into a greased ovenproo

Lunch (to go) Oregano Pasta sauce Grated cheese ...

Dough: 1. The yeast is mixed in the lunede fluid. The other ingredients and approximately 2/3 of flour and dough is kneaded well added. Additional flour added to dough consistency is appropriate. The dough should stick slightly to the hands and table. The dou

Mains Nachos chips Grated cheese Salsa ...

Let the ingredients be in bowls separately. Nachos are met in the small pans with salsa and cheese on top. Bake the cheese is lightly golden ....

Mains Spices-your choice Chicken strips Grated cheese ...

First fry the chicken strips in a frying pan. the rice is put to boil in saucepan. large saucepan heated and chicken strips are met therein. on the frying pan FRY now wok mixture or vegetables of your choice. Rice then accepted into the pan with the chicken an