Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chocolate

Desserts (cold) 50 g. cocktail cherries Ice cream Chocolate ...

Stir the ice soft. Hug makronerne and chop the nuts and chocolate. Mix ice cream, nuts, chocolate and macaroons for a softis and put it in a form. Com if necessary. cocktail cherries on and set it in the freezer for at least 2 hours. Ttag it up a quarter of

Candy Orange juice Rome Dried figs ...

Chop or blend the figs with almonds and chocolate. Added orange juice and rum. Roll mixture into small balls and garnish with chopped cocktail cherries.

Cakes in form Chocolate Eggs Milk or water ...

Melt the margarine in a saucepan. The rest are mixed in and place in an ovenproof dish with tin foil. Turn on the oven at 175 °. The cake is finished in 50 minutes-see if it is dark. Warning: do not open the door too early or else fall cake together! Finally m

Cakes in form Chocolate Butter Eggs ...

Mix the dry ingredients. Beat eggs and milk together and stir in melblandingen. Melt the chocolate with the butter and and pipes it into the dough. Divide the batter into 12 molds. Behind the cakes at 180 degrees c. alm. oven for about 20 minutes and let th

Cakes in form Canache-cream Powdered sugar for garnish Hazelnuts for garnish (chopped) ...

Cream: Boil the cream with the sugar and add the nougat and chocolate. Give it all a rehash and cool to + 5 degrees in the refrigerator-make it like the day in advance. Flan: egg white and sugar whisked into solid foam. Bitter mass (chilled) rives on a Slaw

Desserts (cold) Water Maizenamel Large ripe PEAR ...

Pie: milk, cream and half of the sugar is cooked up stirring and allow to cool. The rest of the sugar and the egg yolks stirring heated-do not boil. This mass whipped white with electric beater. When the cream is writer's warm, pour it, carefully, a little at

Desserts (cold) Vanilla ice cream Marzipan Chocolate ...

Chop the marzipan and chocolate and it came in the soft vanilla ice cream. Serve immediately.

Desserts (cold) Chocolate Vanilieis Oranges ...

Take the ice cream out of the freezer so it will be easy to touch. Share the oranges in half and scrape out all the pulp and the juice out into a bowl. AVOID GETTING MEMBRANES WITH! Luck then the juice from in another bowl with a strainer. Cleanse the ha