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Recipes with Chocolate

Desserts (cold) Water Æbel Chocolate ...

You take a stick or a fork and stabs the stuck in the Apple. You melt the chocolate. And mix a little bit of water in the ... Then touches you in it for the water is mixed in completely. Let stand in the refrigerator for a approximately 2-3 hours so chocola

Desserts (cold) Ochrea lot for magazines Pie bottom Icing sugar ...

Are used both fresh and pickled pineapple. Pineapple slices are added on top of each other and made on a round layer cake bottom, slightly larger in diameter than the pineapple slices. Then sprayed with molten chocolate. That beat an Italian meringue, which ad

Candy Rod vanilla Cocoa Soft butter ...

The dried fruits cut into smaller pieces. Pour all the ingredients in a mixer, and when it is stirred well, the mass is poured into a baking pan lined with film, and the pressed evenly out. The form is put in the refrigerator and allow to cool for at least 2 h

Drinks (cold) Jorbær (can easily be dispensed with) Strawberries (can easily be dispensed with) Milk as needed ...

There are 2 ways to fix this milkshake on-but the only difference is indgredienserne. The whole place in a blender and blending it together ... However, it is a good idea to get the ice in first and slowly add milk. But used ingredients from No. 2 then t

Cakes in form A little water Baking soda Eggs ...

Eggs and sugar whipped fluffy, chocolate is melted with a little water and stir in Flour, cocoa and baking powder sifted. in, and invert gently around. Baked in a springform, there are greased and sprinkled with flour, at 225 degrees for 5-10 min. Cut then

Desserts (warm) Mint Rhubarb Sugar ...

Rhubarb chop in oblique slices and cooked briefly in a syrup of sugar and water. Then be taken up by the Pan, drips and allow to cool. Almonds, sugar, flour, marzipan and chocolate blended together with eggs and sour cream. The mass will be honored in a gre

Cake add-ons Chocolate ...

The chocolate should be of high quality with a high content of cocoa butter and cocoa mass. Eating chocolate does not lend itself to overdraft Procedure: Dissolve the chocolate broken into smaller pieces in a warm water bath (water temperature around 50 deg

Cake add-ons Water Sugar Chocolate ...

Boil a syrup of water and sugar. Break the chocolate into small pieces and add to the sugar bed sheet. Cook the mixture over the even heat, to the mixture reaches 110 degrees c. use chocolate glaze immediately after. The volume is appropriate for a cake tha