Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Cheasy sour cream Peeled chopped tomatoes ...

Cut the turkey cheeses into small pieces. Step them on the forehead. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices: The pluck is peeled and cut into thin boats. The mushrooms are cleansed and cut into quarters. Carrots and onion are exchanged in oil. Mushrooms

Mains Spring onions Turmeric (do right nice yellow) Ginger, fresh ...

Half lengthy limescale zippers, then cut them across in fine strips, only 1 cm wide. Clean the spring buds; Cut all faded parts and roots away. Rinse the onions, half the thickest pieces along, cut them into 2-3 cm long pieces. Peel the carrots and cut them

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into cubes. The loaf is cut well, the carrots are cut into cubes and the cuts are cut into thin slices. Bring the meat in hot oil with a little pepper. The vegetables are mixed with the browned meat. Add the peppers, bay leaves, crushed garlic,

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/oil for frying ...

The rabbit meat is cut into nice cubes. Bacon cut into small cubes and fry broth in a pan, pick them up and set them aside. The rabbit meat is browned in butter / oil on a pan. The finely chopped onion and crushed garlic will come on, let it simmer a few minut

Mains Kikoman or Chinese soy sauce Oil for frying Pepper ...

The meat is cut into small cubes and brune in hot oil, do not be too greasy with the oil. Celery, carrots and potatoes are cut well and put into the pan, along with spices and water. The pan is now over steady heat for approx. 45 min. The tomatoes are cut into

Mains Pepper Salt Comments ...

The meat is cut into cubes and put into boiling water, adding coarse onion and peppercorns. Boil under low heat for approx. 40 minutes. Take the meat and tell the soup. Bring the meat to the soup again with peeled sliced ​​potatoes, celery cut into cubes and c

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

The rabbit is divided into suitable pieces and brown in fat. As soon as the rabbit is browned, add vegetables that are planed roughly and grind a cut into rings, as well as water, tomato purée and spices. Steady for low heat for approx. one hour. For this,

Mains Bamboo shoots Rabbit Broth ...

The rabbit meat is cut into cubes. Peppers, pineapples and onions are also cut into suitable dice. Share carrots and bamboo shoots in both. Heat the oil in a pan and put all the vegetables there in. Let them spin until they are white. Mix all the ingredients o