Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Sides 0.25 TSP. grated nutmeg Leek Butter or margarine ...

Rinse and clean the vegetables. Tear the carrots and cut the pears into thin rings. Put the vegetables in the fat for a few minutes. Stir the flour over and add the milk a little, stirring. Let the stew boil through mild heat for 4-5 minutes. Season with s

Buffets 1-1.5 Pepper Salt ...

Boil the chicken with the soups, (about 1 hour) until the meat is very tender. Remove the skin and cut the meat into small pieces. Wash the pepper and cut it into small terns. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Melt the butter / margarine and let t

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

Beat the meat slices well. Mix salt, pepper, mustard, onion and cream fraiche in a bowl. Distribute the mustard mixture over the meatballs and roll them together. Stick with toothpicks or meatballs. Warm the grease into a frying pan or sautépande and brown

Desserts (cold) Icing sugar Cane sugar Eggs ...

1. Knead the ingredients for the dough together. Let the dough rest cold for 30 minutes. 2. Set the oven at 200 °. Press the dough out into a pie dish. Bullet holes in it. 3. Mix the Marzipan with the eggs. Add the flour and then milk. Pour the mixture i

Cakes in form Baking soda Vaniliesukker Butter or margarine ...

Whip eggs and sugar light and frothy. Vaniliesukker, mix flour, baking powder and cocoa and term it in eggs. Pipe the dough lightly together. Pour the melted and cooled butter into the dough in a baking Tin. load (25 x 25), greased with butter or lined with wa

Cakes Pearl sugar Salt Eggs ...

Melt butter and pour the milk in. Must be lukewarm and writer's warm. Crumble the yeast and milk mixture over the heel. Add salt, sugar and so much flour to dough is still soft and supple. Raises to Dou. size. in 3 quarter. Knead the dough thoroughly and le

Cakes Blue poppy seed Together the beaten egg Sesame seeds ...

Wienerbrødsdej: Tørdelene sieve. The yeast is mixed in a bit of the cold milk. The egg whisked together. Everything except the fat is mixed well together. Dough rolling now instantly in a square of approximately 1 cm. 's thickness. The fat is distributed in sm

Mains Pepper Plenty of water Salt ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin