Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Desserts (warm) FAT to form Cinnamon Granulated sugar according to taste ...

1. Lubricate the spring shape. 2. Pour the flour into the grease, add the flour and knead the dough quickly. Dress the spring shape with the dough - also a good deal upside down. 3. Peel the apples and cut them into thin boats. Put them in the mold over the

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Butter or margarine Baking soda ...

1. Grease a spring mold with grease and sprinkle some coconut flour. 2. Chop the chocolate roughly. 3. Peel the apples and cut them in both. Turn them into flour and cinnamon. 4. Stir fat and flourish white and foaming. Add the eggs one at a time. Turn flou

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cut some slices in the tendon around the meat and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Brown the meat on the forehead and put the pieces side by side in a large oven-proof dish or frying pan. Season the carved vegetables and spread them over the meat.

Cakes Water or milk Eggs Sugar ...

Come about 200 g. Flour in a bowl. Crumble the fat so it looks like grated cheese. Add sugar and salt. Stir yeast into milk or water. Make a dip in the flour and come into the yeast and the egg whipped egg. Beat and knead the dough together. Add the rest of

Cookies Chocolate buttons Wheat flour Painted mander (in shell) ...

Grind almonds in a blender or a chopper. Not too much. Mix all the ingredients together and roll it out to 2 sausages of about 20 to 25 cm long and style them cold for about an hour (more) Cut into thin slices and (about 3 - 5 millimeters. Bake at 200 degre

Cakes in form Boiling water Peach juice Vanilla sugar ...

Blend peaches and peach juice. Tear the carrots. Melt the butter / margarine and mix it with the sugar. Stir the eggs at one time. Add carrots, peaches, coconut flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda. Stir well together. Add the flour. Distribute the doug

Cakes in form Eggs Baking soda Chopped walnuts ...

Crumble dough, flour and fat so it looks like rapeseed. Take 2 dl from and save it away soon. Then add baking soda, vanilla sugar, milk and eggs. Stir it to a uniform dough. Grease a mold that you want to use and pour the dough in. Sprinkle the two dl "Ra

Cakes in form Dough Icing sugar Cocoa powder ...

Oven switches on 200 The grease is softened and stirred together with the sugar. The eggs are added - one at a time The bananas are mashed and come in The broken nuts and the broken chocolate pieces are brought in Then put the oat branches toget