Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Medium onion thinly sliced Whole cinnamon approx. 2 ½ cm each Basmati rice ...

Rinse the rice and let them drip thoroughly. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium flame, when it is hot, without Brown, then came the cardamom, cloves and cinnamon in these spices, and FRY for a few mins. Come on the onion and sauté until løgstykkerne i

Mains White pepper Salt Parsley ...

The well washed celery cut into slices, peeled and cooked almost tender in salted water. Cod meat cut into smaller pieces. Com thin slices of butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Put a layer of torskekød on, sprinkle with salt and pepper and place celery sli

Mains Ginger cut into small pieces as you like Salt Turmeric ...

Heat oil in a saucepan over high heat, and fry the onions without Brown. FRY for a few minutes and then add the cardamom and chili, and cook. Add garlic and ginger, stir and turn down the heat and cook for 10 minutes. Add the spices cumin, coriander, ginger

Mains Salt Ground beef or finely chopped kyllingkød Leeks onions and peppers ...

Pancakes: the dough mixed to a lot, which can be rolled out on a table, with two similar-sized, round and thin pancakes. There is complied with a thin layer of oil on the one pancake, and the other is added then upstairs. The double pancake is cut into four

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Sauté the finely chopped løq oq hvidløq in butter oq add the cleaned, sliced sampe. After a few minutes, add the cream, oq it some gruel is, to the beqynder to get sauces consistency-about 10 mins. Turn small bouquets blanched broccoli in conjunction with ha

Mains Bread or grissini Pepper Salt ...

clean all the vegetables and cut them out. Sauté it all except the tomatoes in oil in a large saucepan. Pipes for they become soft. Add tomatoes and thyme and stir again in a few minutes. Pour the tomato juice and haldelen of the stock by. Let the soup simmer,

Mains Pepper Rice-solve Bean sprouts ...

To please qøre. 1. measure all items by. 2. Arrow løqet oq cut it in terninqer. 3. Arrow hvidløq oq cut it into small pieces. 4. Add oil in a qryde. Hot oil. Turn down. 5. come løq oq hvidløqs-pieces in qryden. 6. Add the meat in qryden. Tube oq Brown kø

Mains Oil Bacon, diced Spring onions ...

Slice the carrots and spring onions into slices. Gently fry the bacon. When the bacon is svitset, mixes you vegetables in and svitser them in a few minutes. Take the bacon and vegetables up the pot and put in fadkoteletterne and sauté them now very easy for th