Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Tear the potato on the rough side of the iron. Turn most of the water off. Cut half of the loaf well and tear the other half roughly. Turn the water off. Mix potato and onion and add a little lemon juice as well as salt and pepper. Add the egg and mix well. Po

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

The turkey breast is placed on a frying pan and scratched, 1-2 cm deep scratches into the meat. Garlic presses over the turkey and massages well into the scratches with salt and pepper. Then take the bacon slice for slice and lay over the meat as a lid that

Mains Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

The cabbage is cut. The sugar is baked in a saucepan and the butter is added. The cabbage is poured into the pan and brune well, then put it all in a damp frying pan and the flask is laid on top. Place the lid on the oven and place the cooking season in

Mains Freshly ground pepper Snaps Lean beef ...

Cut the meat into long strips, about 1 cm thick. Leave the brownie brownie a pot. Chop the meat and add all ingredients. Leave the dish to cook under low for about 1 hour. Season with salt and pepper

Mains Frying dough or mix Jasminris Oil ...

Boil the rice, the oil is heated, mix the frying dough. The shrimp are dipped in the dough, but not the tail, it is used as a mess when eating them. Stir them in the oil until they are golden (if enough) lay on greasy suction paper (kitchen roll). Warm t

Mains (chilli) Curry Olive oil ...

Start thawing the frosty chicken thighs, show frostbite. Cook the rice for about 20 minutes with salt and let them rest for approx. 10 min, or cook according to the instructions on the rice package. While the rice cooks the onions and slices 2 of the pee

Mains Bacon cubes Grovtærte dough from corn flour add only water to Carrots ...

Dough: Add only water to the final mixture And let it cool for half an hour. The dough is rolled out and placed in the pie dish. Fill: Peel the gullets and put a nice layer at the bottom of the pie. Bring the hammer and bacon and chicken top upstairs. W

Mains Garlic salt and other spices Mashed potatoes Pepper ...

Mashed potato mashed with potatoes mashed with handles with a little butter and milk - do not get too thin. Season with salt and pepper. Put the moss in a syringe bag (if not used then use a freezing bag and cut a small hole in the corner). On a baking s