Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Olive oil Fish sauce Coconut milk ...

Chop or grate onion, garlic and ginger. The chicken breasts are shredded. Heat the olive oil into a thickened pot. Onions, garlic and ginger are sautéed and the chicken is added. Warm it shortly before coconut milk is poured. Add fish sauce, turn to mediu

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Place the ham in a large pot. Pour both bottles of wine into the pan. Pour water into the pan so that 3/4 part of the ham is covered. Pour some salt and pepper. Lay the lid on the pan and allow the ham to boil for 2 hours. Every half an hour, turn the ham

Mains Acacia honey Dijon mustard Brown sugar ...

Arrow net or plastic of hamburgerryggen. Mix the marinade well and apply the hamburger rye into a smooth layer. By the grill. 1 hamburgerryg Placed in a ladder that is placed on top of a foil tray. Grilled indirectly at 200 gr. To the barometer shows

Mains Meljævning Olive oil Salt ...

The grease on the steps is scratched and rubbed with salt. The celery is torn on the rough side of the raw iron. The olive oil is heated in a frying pan. Onions, garlic and celery are exchanged for this. Move to the sides of the pan, whereupon the steps are b

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Put them in a fire fixed dish 16x19 cm approx. Pour morney sauce and cream in, along with salt, pepper and garlic. Put it in the oven for approx. 60 min, 190 degrees hot air (until the potatoes are tender)

Mains Oil Green asparagus Garlic ...

Cook bulgur and let cool off. Cook asparagus 1 min. Let cool off. Chop tomato, garlic onion and parsley and turn into the chilled bulgur. Roll cod into bacon rose approx. 4 min. on every side.

Mains Canola oil Salt Thyme ...

Wash the vegetables and peel them then cut them into the tern and place them on a baking sheet and mix them with oil and turn on the oven at 200 degrees and leave them for 30 minutes with a little salt take the chicken thighs and put them thoroughly on the for

Mains Good shrimp Mini corn cut fine Pasta screws ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the bag. Cut the vegetables as described. Prepare the sauce as directed on the bag. Stir the vegetables over quiet heat in a little oil and butter until they are soft / tender. Peel the pasta onto plates or di