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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Large or 2 small clementines ...

Rinse the pigeons well inside and outside. Stop them with clementines. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on them. Pour 4 tablespoons of syrup over each pigeon. Put them in a 200 degree C. alm. Oven 1 hour. After half an hour pour 2 tablespoons of syrup over e

Mains "baked potatoes or French fries and butter dampde green beans and a little watercress A couple of tablespoons. Cognac Mushroom ...

The meat is trimmed and cut into thick slices set to the top and pressed flat with the palm of the hand so that they are approx. 2½ cm. thick. The pepper is stabbed in a mortar (or crushed with a baking roll). There must be 1/4 and 1/2 pepper corn between.

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

Start cutting the chicken fillets into suitable pieces (about 2x2 cm). Then chop INCL kernels fine. Use 2-3 chili depending on how strong they are, at times I use 4, but you are not fond of strong food, so chill 2-3 chili. Cut onions and peppers roughly. Se

Mains Basil Parmesan Thyme ...

Put water over to tortellini (put plenty of salt in the water) Cut the bacon into medium sized pieces and put on the forehead (preferably without fat). Mushrooms are cut into slices and garlic squeezed / sliced ​​and put together with bacon. Let it stand un

Mains Fresh coriander Chili Lobster tail ...

Red pepper, pores (only white), chili and red onion and cut very thin on a mandolin. Lobster and tiger prawns pilles and the shells are cooked on a very hot forehead for approx. 3 min, then pour cream and milk on the forehead and reduce it a little. The lettuc

Mains Chicken and grøndsager of your choice Handful of thai Basil White peppercorns come ...

Coconut milk: Bank the coconut, fling the nuts and scrape the meat, blend it with a little water and allow it to pull for a minimum of 30 minutes, sight and use. Red curry paste: shake the dry spices, soak the dry chilli and mix it all together into a food

Mains Pine kernel Salad diced Chicken cubes el strips ...

1. Cook pasta 2. Leave it cool 3.Paste the pasta into a large bowl 4.Place tatikkien and chicken in 5.Prink garlic down in 6. Stir and cool to keep it cold 7.server with pine kernels and salad tern. tips: Can get other pasta cheeses in and other meat

Mains 4 Chream freache Vinegar ...

First shred the chicken Mix 4 teaspoonful peppers with 2 teaspoonfuls of salt and mix with the chicken ... Cut the finely chopped onion and garlic and then swirl it to make them golden and then remove them from the forehead and into the bowl and then fry the