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Mains recipes

Mains A bit crushed rosemary leaves Olive oil Water ...

Prepare pizza dough and set it aside. Brown the onions in olive oil on a medium hot frying pan and set them aside. Fry the mushrooms in a little olive oil at medium heat for about 15 minutes or until tender. Set to the side. Make a puree of the dried

Mains Freshly ground pepper Corn oil Bacon ...

Grate mushrooms in oil at medium heat for about 15 minutes for al væden is gone Whisk eggs and milk Cut the bacon into small pieces and grate it on the forehead in a little oil, without, however, it will be dry. Pour egg mixture over and low omeletten fi

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little butter for frying Pepper ...

Saute the shallots in the butter in a small saucepan, lightly add the redecorated mushrooms, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and toss them with a couple of minutes. Part celery tuber in thin rods, and sauté them Golden in browned butter. Sprinkle with salt, pep

Mains Freshly ground pepper Olive oil Sake or dry sherry ...

Heat the oil in a cast iron pan (or frying pan) and sauté onions and garlic until they are shiny (do not take the color). Add the mushrooms and let them simmer for about 15 minutes until the mushrooms begin to fluid. Add the next sake (or sherry), as well as s

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or margarine ...

Koteletterne grilled or fried on Pan before they are served with the warm accessories. The mushrooms be able and FRY by even heat to væden in the mushrooms are gone. Chop them roughly and got them back in the pan with the mustard and the Fund. To rodfrug

Mains Dill Oil Pepper ...

Cut the spring onions fine and warm them too weak to sleep in a little oil with curry and chili sauce. Got coconut milk at and let it boil well through. Grate mushrooms and getting them up in coconut sauce and serve with pasta or rice.

Mains Coarse salt White pepper Buy any. the meat done blown up or salt it yourself ...

Salting of meat: come flesh in a bowl that fits to the size of the meat. Objectives the brine out, so the meat can be covered by sheeting. Boil brine and refrigerate the meat completely before granted. Style it cold the next day. Take the meat out of the br

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The meat is cut into large tærninger. Sample tampering. The oil heats, the meat is Brown on all sides. Salt and pepper, Bay leaves, onion, Rosemary, tomatoes in both, water and wine are added. Set over low heat and boil about 2 hours. Who is stirred occasio