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Mains recipes

Mains Tarragon Wheat flour Salt ...

Rub the meat with salt and pepper and place it in the gennemfugtede clay pot. Came white wine and Sprinkle chopped onions and tarragon (or other herb) on the comb. Cut the carrots into small pieces and put them in the flesh. Rose comb at 250 degrees for approx

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Rub the pig the comb into the crushed garlic, salt and pepper and place it in the gennemfugtede roaster. Chop the onion coarsely and got it and the peeled tomatoes, cut into small pieces, add to the pan of pig comb. Rose comb at 250 degrees for approx. 1 ¼ hou

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

Rub the meat with salt and pepper and place it in the gennemfugtede roaster. Drain and put butter in dabs on the comb. Increased it by 250 degrees for approximately 1 ¼ hours. Frying time depends on the thickness of the meat. If the thermometer is used, it mus

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Crack the kidneys and remove fat layer. Put them in water with a little vinegar for about ½ hour. Cut them into cubes. They can be roasted on the forehead in fat, but it is not necessary. They may well be laid immediately in the gennemfugtede roaster and pour

Mains Wheat flour Parsley Butter ...

Let the butcher parts veal tails. Put them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Pour the broth by and possibly. salt. Let them mørne at 200 degrees for about 2 hours. The last quarter should the petty vegetables cook with. Smooth the sauce with flour and got a dollop

Mains Parsley Celery Parsley root ...

A blasted tongue shall in General not watered out, but ask the butcher about how salt is, and whether it should be watered down. Rinse the blasted tongue and place it on the page in the gennemfugtede roaster. Pour the water on and got soup visken i. Boil the t

Mains Suit Sherry -beef tongue ...

This right can be used either fresh tongue or blown up. The fresh tongue rubbed with salt and put it in the gennemfugtede roaster. The broth is poured in. Of course, no salt is added to the blasted heavy. Boil tongue for about 2 hours at 200 degrees. It should

Mains Pepper Salt Madeira ...

Rub the veal tongue with salt and place it on the page in the gennemfugtede roaster. Grate the onion finely and got it over the tongue. Pour the broth by. Boil tongue for about 2 hours at 200 degrees. Flip the 1 time during cooking. The last 5 minutes of cooki