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Mains recipes

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Veal cut into large cubes, olive oil is heated slowly up a large frying pan, add the butter and melt it. Sage and Laurel leaves steamed lightly. Intensifies the heat. Kalvekøddet added in a batch operation on the forehead and Brown, stirring vigorously.

Mains Your own spices Coarse salt Lime ...

The 2 whole lamb ribs seasoned well and grilled on indirect heat with the lid for about 20 min. are packed in foil and pulling for about ½ hour. Baking dish greased with garlic butter that is now mixed with parsley and juice from 1 fresh lime. Add plenty of sa

Mains Grated cheese Cucumber Peas ...

Cook the rice. saute the chicken add the Spice called. Cook the peas. Meanwhile, chicken, rice and peas cooker-cut cucumber into small pieces and tomatoes in both. Pour the chicken, peas and rice in a deep Bowl and add the grated cheese on top. Tips:

Mains 3-4 tbsp. ketchup of sundried tomatoes Garlic Pimiento ...

Udvand the fish (1-2 24-hour assistance, thickness). Chop the chilies and garlic and fry it cautious in the oil. Load the layered tomato/pimiento, potatoes, fish and onions (plus purrene) Pour the olive oil over glovarme (w/chili/garlic). Let everything boi

Mains Olive oil Oregano Pepper ...

Start the night before by adding clips the fish cut into pieces in cold water until the next day and change the water a couple of times along the way. Next day: in a frying pan heat a little olive oil and saute the first klipfiske pieces, set them to the side

Mains Minced parsley Salt Eggs ...

Came the egg, flour, fish (cut into small cubes) and a half-share of the beer in a toast. Stir it all well together. It should be fairly thick. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir again. Heat a skillet with olive oil and then the dough came in with a tabl

Mains Pepper Salt Bottle of olive oil ...

Klipp-tørrfisken legges in vann 1/24 hours. Shift on vannet inn imellom. Oljen, 1/2 bottle, warmed in a saucepan. The fish, poteter, bulbs and hvitløk legges layered in the General role. The rest av oljen helles. Kokes 1 1/2 hour. Served together with beer

Mains Black olives without stones Olive oil Finely chopped parsley ...

Begin the day before putting the fish in soft clip at least 12 hours in a bowl with as much cold water that the fish are covered. Change the water several times. Rinse cut the fish under running water and slice the skin and bone of klipfiske discs. Place th