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Mains recipes

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

All ingredients that can cut, cut into matchsticks, IE. 5 cm x 0.3 cm x 0.3 cm, equivalent to the size of a bean sprout. It is important that the stated objectives are complied with, otherwise it will be the Court of serious (and frying times do not keep).

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Chopped flat-leaf parsley ...

Share the chicken in 8 – 10 pieces and Pat them dry. Fry the bacon in a large pot of golden. Tag it up and place it on the fat-sucking paper. Brown chicken pieces in bacon fat and pull them up. Fry the onion and garlic in grydne now, without that it take

Mains Basil possibly fresh leaves Garlic Pepper ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water and add the oil and salt then add the flour and knead the dough well and carefully put the dough in a greased Bowl and cover the dish with oil plastic film to raise Dough 1 hour at room temperature. Beat the dough down and style

Mains Fresh coriander Oil Chili ...

Cut scallions and garlic. Saute the onion, garlic and chopped lemon grass in the oil for about 1 min. Add meat and fry it with. Add water, soy sauce, fish sauce, chili and sugar. Let the right bugs, covered, approx. 40 min. to taste. Adornment Court with plent

Mains Pepper Parmesan cheese Bacon, diced ...

Boil spaghettierne as directed on package. Shortly before the spaghetti is cooked, pour bacon finished first in the Pan and FRY at good heat, it is not necessary with the fat in the Pan, pour off excess fat. The spaghetti served on plates, bacon cubes di

Mains Oil Chicken legs Oregano ...

Brush the chicken with oil and sprinkle the spices over. In onven for 20-25 min., by 200grader Tips: If you make 6 more are there for lunch box

Mains Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Chop onion, garlic and Dill rough. Mix all ingredients together, except the chopped tomatoes. Form meatballs and fry them in oil, (like a good olive oil). They need to fry! When they reversed the first time, pour the chopped tomatoes, meatballs and FRY f

Mains Jævning Potatoes Pepper ...

'S lammehjertene for blood residue, and rub them into the coarse salt and sprinkle a little pepper on. Brown them in a good thick-bottomed pan in medium heat. When they are good Brown, met buillonen in, and there met a mini trangia. They need to Pan fry in ½ h