Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Parmesan cheese Whole milk or cream Peas ...

Water for the pasta is put over to boil. At the same time, heat a frying pan with a little olive oil. When the Pan is hot, pour the bacon and fried golden brown. The pasta pour into the Pan when the water is boiling. When the bacon is done pour the milk or

Mains Breadcrumbs (250 ml) finished bought morneysauce Fresh lasagne sheets ...

Thaw the spinach up and press it free from moisture. Cut Lasagna the plates to suit the ovnfaste dish (approx. 15 x 25 cm). Start with a thin layer of sauce in the bottom on this added spinach, lasgagneplader and salmon in some layers. Finish with plates and s

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

The fish is cleaned, dry the fish and place it in a well-oiled baking dish. Sprinkle the fish with 2 tablespoons. chopped raw onions, fresh dill sprigs and 50 g. butter. Salt and pepper are distributed to the fish. The dish is covered with aluminum foil and pu

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Garlic Paprika ...

Over the thighs Brown in olive oil in a pan. Chopped onions and garlic and sauté with added. The broth, lemon juice, paprika and salt into the Pan, then accepted the onion placed on, and over thighs fried on a low heat for 1 hour. The reversed when half the

Mains Lemon juice Dill Lune flûtes ...

Cook the cod piece in salted water with whole peppercorns and Bay leaves in about 15 mins. Remove gently the piece up with a slotted spoon and remove the skins and bones, without destroying the fish's shape. Put the cod on a serving dish and pour out a little

Mains Egg white Small onions (chopped finely) Skimmed milk ...

mix the meat with the cooked potatoes are grated on the coarse side of Slaw iron, as well as milk, egg white, spices and maize flour. Let forcemeat pull approximately 10 min before you start to work with it while you can make a. paprika sauce. form tiny meatba

Mains Thyme Onion Sour cream ...

Bacon cubes and sauté chopped onion in a saucepan. Paprika, tomato puree, broth and sour cream udrørt with cornstarch, add and boil for a few minutes. Chinese cabbage into strips, cooked potatoes into slices and onion in half sliced Sauté 5-10 minutes in marga

Mains Freshly squeezed lemon juice Coarse salt Small hokaido (ca. 800 g whole/550 g cleaned) ...

Cut the lemon grass is finely and mix it with curry, salt and pepper. Cut a pocket in each chicken fillet and fill it out with lemon grass. Close the pocket with a toothpick. Dot small holes in the chicken fillets and place in a freezer bag along the fillet