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Recipes with Soft butter

Desserts (warm) Sugar Eggs (size medium/large) Milk ...

Dough: Stir yeast into the milk. Add the remaining ingredients (hold some of the flour). Beat the dough well together. Cover it with a lid or aluminum foil and set it up for a slight spot for approx. ½ hour. Take the dough out on a crispy plate and knead it we

Cake add-ons Neutral oil to suck up the molds with Appropriate amount of wheat flour (it is impossible to determine the exact quantity, since flour types are different. the dough should be smooth and supple, never dry and the bulbous) Coarse salt ...

Yeast dough: The yeast is crumbled in a large bowl & amp; Mix with egg, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and cane sugar. Lun sweet milk & amp; Mix it with salt. Mix some flour and add the butter. Add more flour and knead it all to a smooth and smooth dough

Cakes in form Baking soda Marabou with daim Wheat flour ...

Flour, cocoa, baking powder and vanilla sugar are first mixed in a bowl. Then the butter, sugar and brown dough must be mixed in another bowl. After that, the marabou and the daim are broken into pieces and come in. Then it must be in the oven for 30 minute

Breakfast & brunch Pumpkin seeds Salt Sugar ...

Mix flour, baking soda, salt and sugar. Rub the butter with your fingers. Add milk and mix it to a dough without kneading. Roll the dough into small buns with meltered hands. Vibrate them in grassy squares. Put them on a plate of baking paper. Bake them at 225

Soups Pepper Salt Coarse mustard ...

Soup: Load the burners in the cold water salt. Salt cleaner. Rinse the burners thoroughly several times. There can be a lot of soil. Rinse the kvelvel. Cut the yarn well. The suite slipped into the butter until it collapsed. Add fire brigades and quarries. Po

Cakes Egg yolks Wheat flour in an appropriate amount Coarse salt ...

Dough: Sprinkle the sweet milk and mix it in a bowl of yeast, egg, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cane sugar, salt and flour. Finally mix the butter together with the rest of the flour - knead it all for a smooth and smooth dough. Eaten up to a big ball

Cakes Cinnamon Half bitter dark chocolate Soft butter ...

1: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Chop the chocolate roughly. Whip the butter and sugar thick and creamy. Whip the eggs in one at a time. 2: Mix flour, baking soda, cinnamon and chocolate in a bowl. Treat this flour in the dough and spread it in well-bake

Cakes Cream cheese icing Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliesukker ...

Eggs and brown daddy whipped up to draw traces of whipping. The longer, the better. The oil is added with stirring. Add the rest of the ingredients. Pour into a half pan, muffin mold or something else. And baked for about 20 minutes for a baking pan. Chec