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Recipes with Nougat

Desserts (patisserie) Possibly orange liqueur Orange juice Isinglass ...

Place a cup of water in a bowl of water so it covers. Bring orange juice and sugar into a pan and let it boil. Put egg yolks in a bowl and whip them together. Pour the hot orange juice over the egg yolks while whipping. Pour it all back into the pan and

Candy Couverture chocolate Nougat Prunes without stones ...

The cheeses are soaked in cognac until the next day. The cheeses are chopped and stirred with cognac. Roll the marcipan and put a layer of nougat on. Then the swab finally the roughly chopped almonds. Roll to a loaf of bread. Brush the coating on. Ornament wit

Cakes in form FAT to form Almond flakes for garnish Whipped cream ...

Grease an edge shape (Diameter 16 cm, 1 liter) and preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Heat air to 175 degrees. Whip the fat lightly and airy with Atwel. Add salt and orange peel and whip it together. Stir the eggs in one at a time. Mix flour and baking soda a

Cookies Nougat Wheat flour Crushed macaroons ...

Butter and sugar stir well together. Mix flour and crushed macrons. Whip egg whites stiff and turn them into the dough. The dough is placed on baking paper with 2 teaspoons. Good with space in between as they flow out. Bake for 5-8 min at 200 degrees on hot ai

Desserts (cold) Silver beads Topping & ornaments Dr. oetker madagascar ",", "bourbon vanilla sugar ...

Bring the cream in a pan along with cinnamon sticks. Heat the mixture with stirring and simmer at low heat for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the flare and let the saucepan stand with a lid, so the mixture will taste for at least an hour. Chop chocolate and nougat and

Desserts (patisserie) Vermicelli according to your choice Cinnamon Vanilla sugar ...

Bring cream and cinnamon into a pan. Heat the mixture while stirring to the boil. Let it simmer a few minutes then. Chop chocolate and nougat into smaller pieces and put it in a bowl. Pour the hot cream over nougat and chocolate. Let it stand for a minute

Desserts (cold) Chocolate Cream Powder sugar ...

Nougat cream: sweet nougat in water bath. Whip the cream to light whipped cream Mix it easily. Cake Cream: Put the milk in a boil. Eggs, sugar and flour are stirred together. The boiling milk is dripped while stirring. The cream is poured back into the pan

Candy Nougat Chopped almonds/hazelnuts Chopped raisins ...

Soft nougat blends with chopped raisins, almonds and hazelnuts. Then fill the mixture into an aluback of 6x14.5 cm and put it to cool the following day. When the mixture has cooled, turn the nougat block out and lubricate with melted chocolate - white on on