Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mushroom

Mains Wheat flour White pepper Oil ...

Tomato gravy: take a pot put the fresh tomatoes in conjunction with ca. 5 dl. water boil them, blend them. Add salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, take the pan off. Meat sauce: take a new pan melt the margarine add onions and spices lies must be blank. Then add

Lunch Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Boil the chicken with onions, carrots, salt and pepper in 1 1/4 hour. Refrigerate the chicken and meat of the arrow. Discard hulls and skin. Clean the mushrooms and blanchér them in the soup for 3 min. stir in cremefraice and mayonnaise together and season wit

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Brown meat and onions in a suitable pots, came the rest of the ingredients in and simmer for half an hour before the paste is put over. Velbekommen Tips: fresh pasta should not make more of a ca. 3-5 my

Mains Curry Paprika Pepper ...

Grill the bacon on a dry pan, remove it and then increased the onion and mushroom, without washing the Pan, add the correction. for possible fat. Take the onion and mushroom. Rose koteletterne a few minutes on each side. Add onion and mushrooms in the bottom o

Lunch Pepper Salt Thyme ...

* The chopped onions Sauté in butter * mushrooms, cut into quarters and fry with * væden from * Pour Mix the rest of the ingredients in the mass in a greased form * come * Bake at 200 degrees for about 1 hour

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

* Cut the Turkey meat in ca. 2 cm-thick strips * Flip the meat in flour and chop the onion coarsely Arrow * * clean mushrooms and halve the mushrooms, then Steam in a large dry pan for a few minutes without the lid. Shake the Pan so all will be steamed * take

Mains Chili after taste Cream Oil ...

The shoulder are boned and cleansed of sinew and membranes. The meat is cut into appropriate pieces. Flour, salt, paprika, crushed juniper berries and possibly. chili mix in a plastic bag and meat and bacon added and shake well. The meat is Brown, possib

Sauces Corn starch Pepper Salt ...

Onion peeled and chopped fine. The onion and sauté garlic in pressure fedstsoffet. Add the mushrooms and sauté with. Water, peeled tomatoes, oregano, herbes de provence, chopped parsley, salt and pepper are added. The gravy boil for about 5 mins, with cover an