Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dry white wine

Mains Dry white wine Dill Mullet approximately 1500 g.-without head ...

The fish is cleaned inside and scratched free of dandruff. Finder and tail cut / cut off. Thoroughly dry out and have a roll of paper. Put the fish in a fireproof dish. Fill with dillkvist (save stems) and 1/2 tablespoon salt. The lemons are cut into thin slic

Mains Cayannepeber Salt Fennel ...

Peel potatoes and onion and cut for approx. 1x1 cm tern. The tomatoes are scalded and flaked and cut them and the other vegetables in the tern. Season potatoes, fennel and onions in butter for approx. 3 min. Without taking color. Mix the peppers and tomatoes

Bread, buns & biscuits Flour 00 Olive oil Dry white wine ...

Work flour, wine, oil and salt well together for a elastic and homogeneous dough. Let it rest covered approx. 20 minutes not too cold. A large pot of water is boiled and 1 tbsp. Salt is added. Roll the portion to thin sausages 1 cm thick cut into 8-10

Mains Light steamed broccoli with pasta or potatoes Eggplant Lemon juice ...

Auberginefad: heat oven up to 160 degrees. Clean and rinse the vegetables. Cut the Aubergine into thin slices. Sprinkle with salt and let them soak for about 10 minutes, rinse them and Pat them dry. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Advantage of Eggplant and toma

Appetizers Crayfish oily (the soft inside the crab) added to page Crushed dried red pepper Onions, diced ...

Kill the crabs by sticking a knife into the head behind the eyes. Crush the crabs and let your legs and body be intact. Remove the soft inside the crab and set it aside. In a large pot (4-5 liters) the oil is heated. Season the chopped onions and garlic unt

Appetizers Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Prepare the mussels by washing them and remove if necessary. Beard (some gripping-dimmers, on the flat side of the mussel.). REMEMBER !!! Make sure the mussels are alive: If they are open before steaming, then knock them to the table, if they do not close t

Appetizers Pepper Salt Butter or oil for frying ...

Stir the panchetta crisp in a little oil and put it on greasy paper. Chop sliced ​​and sauté in a small saucepan, add the white wine and simmer. If the obstacles are still on the sea bag jaws, these are removed. Make four spoons out of rosemary twigs (a

Various Freshly ground pepper Garlic Lemon juice ...

Grate the cheese roughly. Pour white wine and lemon juice into a thickened pot and add the cheese a little at a time, constantly stirring and at low heat. Stir carefully between each cheese port. Stir to the curd is smooth and just cooked. Remove the pot from