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Recipes with Buttermilk

Breakfast & brunch Bicarbonate of soda Baking soda Wheat flour ...

Driers (flour, sugar, baking soda and soda) are mixed. The melt is melted (do not brown). The egg is whipped lightly with a fork. Buttermilk whipped eggs and melted butter whipped easily. Drying substances are mixed. If possible let the mixture rest for 1/2 ho

Bread, buns & biscuits Wholemeal rye flour Wheat flour Buttermilk ...

The kernels are boiled in the water for 2-3 minutes and cooled for about 15 minutes to about 30 degrees. The yeast is stirred in the tempered buttermilk. Add the cooked spices and the other ingredients and knead the dough well for at least 5 minutes. Let th

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Ground ginger Ground cloves ...

Mix the dry igondienser. Pour the buttermilk in stirring. Cover a square baking sheet with baking paper. Pour the dough into the mold. Bag in the middle of the oven at 190 degrees for about 35 minutes. tips: A piece of this cake is delicious for a cu

Cakes Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliesukker Baking soda ...

Dry and wet things are separated into each dish and afterwards it is mixed together. Baked for approx. 40 min. At 200 degrees.

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Active dry yeast Salt ...

Pour water and core milk into the baking machine. Then bring flour in the baking machine. Make a small dive to the dry yeast at the top if there is a delay in the back time (hours). Then enter the program and set the degree of browning. When done, rem

Desserts (cold) Vanilla and lemon as needed Buttermilk Cane sugar ...

A38 and cane sugar stir well together. Add the buttermilk, lemon and vanilla. Style on ice a few hours. Tips: To make it extra delicious so use vanilla-pods. And use like to "ratchet" from it and similar to it in conjunction with koldskålen while the s

Drinks (cold) Acacia honey Banana Frozen strawberries ...

Came the frose Strawberry in foodproceseren and hugs them. Then pour the butter-milk in the banana, broken into 2 pieces. Finaly met vanilla sugar and acacia honey in. Filled in 6 tall glasses with straws, and garnish with a strawberry on top. Tips: A n

Sides Strawberry yoghurt Buttermilk Sugar ...

pour buttermilk and strawberry yoghurt in a bowl and stir it together. Then add the sugar and stir together & vaniliesukker in the refrigerator about 1 Hour (so that vanilien can draw properly into the taste) So is it ready for serving. Tips: Deli