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Recipes with Baking soda

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Salt ...

Whip butter, sugar and vanilla sugar together into a cream, whip the egg and stir 1/3 of the sliced ​​cornflakes, flour, baking soda and salt in. Form the dough for two-teaspoon hazelnuts, turn the balls into the rest of the broken cornflakes and put them o

Cookies Baking soda Hazelnuts Eggs ...

Stir the butter softly into a bowl and stir in sugar and chop. Add the eggs and stir well. In another bowl mix coarsely chopped chocolate, chopped nuts, flour and baking soda. Stir the flour mixture in the butter mixture. Put the dough on a plate of b

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Wheat flour ...

Stir the margarine and sugar well together. Stir the egg in. Mix flour, cocoa, baking powder and stir in the dough. Form 2 round bars, put them on baking paper and flap them flat. Bake at 225 degrees for about 8 minutes. After cooling, cuts are cut.

Cookies Baking soda Potato flour Butter or margarine ...

The butter is stirred softly with flour. The remaining ingredients are sifted together and stirred in. The dough is well-kneaded, thrown in fingertip rods, cut and peeled into balls pressed flat with a fork. Bake 8-10 minutes at 175 °.

Cookies Baking soda Wheat flour Butter ...

Stir butter and sugar until it is creamy. Sift flour, baking soda and cocoa in. Stir the dough well. Form the dough for walnut-sized balls placed on baking paper. Press them flat with a fork. Bake the cakes in a 190 ° hot oven for approx. 10 minutes. Let them

Cookies Salt Butter Baking soda ...

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Shake the almonds for a couple of minutes in the oven and chop them gently with the pine nuts. Place the flour on a plate or kitchen table. Make a dip in the middle and fill in eggs and other fine ingredients, as well as a salt

Cookies Daisy flowers Grains of ½ stick vanilla Couverture chocolate ...

Bring all the ingredients well together and style the dough cold for some time before rolling it out into a 3 cm thick sausage and cut into 7-8 cm long rods. The bars are baked at 200 degrees for 8-10 minutes. The ends are dipped in coating chocolate and decor

Cookies Slightly oatmeal Tesukker Baking soda ...

Shortcrust: Mix flour and baking soda with vanilla (about 1 teaspoon). The margarine is chopped in slices of tiny slices and brought into the flour. Eggs, milk and sugar are lightly stirred and kneaded in the flour. Put the dough in the fridge until it is fir