Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Bacon, sliced Green pepper Small can of cocktail sausages ...

Cut the ham meat into 8 large cubes that are wrapped with bacon. Clean the mushrooms. 'S to sample and share them into quarters. 'S peberfrugten and cut it into 8 pieces. Let coctailpølserne drain away and roll a half slice of bacon on each. Each skew

Mains Pepper Salt Plain mustard ...

Mix together the wine, mustard, half the oil and all the spices together. Put the meat in a bowl or plastic bag and pour the marinade over, cover the bowl with plastic and style it cool overnight. Next business day: Warm the last oil and saute a little onio

Mains Garlic Virgin olievenolie Paprika ...

Heat oil in a pan and saute the kryderierne. Then met the onion and sauté until it is in genemsigt. Add beef and Brown. Bacon, tomatoes that have been cut into small pieces, as well as tomatpuren and sugar granted. Simmer 15 min and got so lauarbærbladene i. s

Mains Pepper Salt Celery ...

Brown meat in butter and oil in a large frying pan of sometimes are taken up. Onion, garlic, celery and carrots in the Pan fry lightly together. the spices and tomato paste in the meat and put it back into the pan. Boiling water is poured in, so the meat is

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the fish in appropriate serving pieces. Brush the fish with olive oil. The carrots peeled and cut into rough cubes. Blom cabbage cut into small florets (inserts if necessary. the stick into slices). Steam the vegetables in a little water with sea salt 3

Mains Garlic Pepper Salt ...

The fish be rearranged and cut into portionstykker. Mushrooms, cleaned and cut into slices, the potatoes cut into slices. The onions are chopped. Grate 8 large pieces of foil, put them double. Put so 4 thin slices of butter on each piece of foil, favor the

Mains Oil and butter for frying Pepper Salt ...

Heat the fat in the pan. Brown sausage approx. 1 min. on each side. That plug (pricked with a fork) holes in the skin, so that it should not be split. Com salt and pepper over. Finished rose ca. 9 min. on each side. Put extra butter on the Pan possibly the

Mains Garlic Bay leaves Pepper ...

Cut uterne in coarse pieces and place in a roaster etc. Cut incisions in the fat side of the lamb and Brown it well by the mallet on a frying pan and vegetable seasonings with salt and pepper and place it on the herbs. Pour the red wine over (min. 2-3 dl