Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains White pepper Salt Margarine ...

Boil potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli completely tender in leachate water. Get them in a sieve and let them drop. Add minarine and whip the potato mass evenly. Add flour, spring onions and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Stir the mass together an

Mains Potatoes Leek Mornay sauce 5% ...

Place the hamburger rye in a small saucepan. Covered with water. Let the water boil up to the foam. Add the spices. Turn down the heat and put on the lid. Boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the flare and allow the meat to rest in the wa

Mains Grated nutmeg, after owned desire Garlic Onion ...

Cook pasta & gt; & gt; Al dente & lt; & lt; Together with loose and white-haired. When the pasta is cooked, pour the water off and the onions are thrown away. Meanwhile, the butter is melted and the cracked cheese is brought in, along with the cream and the

Mains Peper Salt Brocoli ...

Cut leeks and brocoli into pieces and boil them for 5 minutes. Pour the water off and equip them in an ovenproof dish. Mix cremfreise with salt & amp; Pepper and then stir in ham and cheese. Cook the pasta and mix them in the cremfreise blaningen. Then pour

Mains Fresh red chilli fruits after taste Boiling water Corn flour corn jævning ...

The desired amount of chilli is rinsed and cleaned for the worst cores and finches. Pepper fruit is cut and cut into mundane rustic pieces. The onions are peeled and divided in the middle. Then cut into thick semi-circles a about 5mm. The beans are divided

Mains Basil, dried Oregano, dried Pepper ...

Lasagna: Carrots, onion and squash are chopped roughly. The beef is chopped brown in oil in a saucepan. Add all vegetables to chopped tomatoes (like with basil / oregano) and add purée. Let it simmer for a while. Put meat sauce and lasagna plates into la

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Mix fried cheese, 60 g of salmon, wine and lemon juice in a food processor for a smooth and smooth mass. Put it in a small saucepan and warm up carefully. The sauce must NOT boil. Add chopped dill, the rest of the salmon (cut into strips. Taste with salt and p

Mains Oregano Garlic Corn (not a little) ...

First boil the chicken, then cut into small pieces. The rice is boiled. The tomatoes are cut into fine tern. The pan is warmed up and onion and tomatoes are put on. When the onions are soft and the tomatoes have enough, pour the chicken, rice and corn. Seaso