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Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Butter Vanila Whipped cream ...

The rice is boiled in the milk approx. 35 min. Butter, sugar and vanilla are stirred. The eggs are added with stirring. The edge shape is covered with caramel. (Caramel: The sugar is melted on a dry pan over low heat without stirring. When it bubbles and is li

Desserts (cold) Vanilla Sugar Soft nougat ...

Peel the apples and remove the kernels. Cut the apples into thin boats and put them for approx. 2 dl boiling water added sugar and vanilla pole. Give the apples a boil and quench, but let the apples remain in the sugar layer until it is cooled. Remove the vani

Desserts (cold) Butter Vanila Whipped cream ...

The rice is boiled in the milk approx. 35 min. Butter, sugar and vanilla are stirred. The eggs are added with stirring. The edge shape is coated with caramel: The sugar is sprinkled on a dry forehead and warmed slowly without stirring until it melts and bubble

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Vanilla sugar Sugar ...

caramel: The sugar is melted on a dry pan over low heat without stirring. When it bubbles and is light brown, it is poured into an edge shape. Hold on the mold with griddle and turn and turn it over low heat until it is coated on all sides. The redundant cara

Desserts (cold) Water Vanilla sugar Sugar ...

The cream is whipped, but not too stiff. The house block is soaked in cold water, picked up and melted in boiling water. Sugar and vanilla sugar are stirred in. Once the solution is cooled to hand heat, pour it all at once into the whipped cream and stir

Desserts (cold) Boiling water Vanila Whipped cream ...

The sugar is sprinkled on a dry pan and slowly heated without stirring until it melts and bubbles like light brown caramel. It is poured into an edge shape that is turned and rotated while holding a few griddles until the caramel has put in a thin layer throug

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Vanilla sugar Eggs ...

The house block was offered approx. 5 min. In cold water, take up and melt in a bowl in a water bath. Eggs and sugar are whipped well. The melted husblas and vanilla sugar are stirred in. The yarn is stirred in. The whites and the cream are whipped stiff indiv

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Chocolate Eggs ...

Melt both chocolate types together with water in a saucepan. Cool a little. Share the eggs in plum and white. Stir egg yolks in the chilled chocolate box. Whip the whites stiff. Whip the cream stiff. Gently stir it all together.