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Recipes with Water

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Sugar Salt ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm water and add sugar, eggs, salt and grated carrot. Came the other ingredients in, but keep a little flour left. Knead the dough well with more flour until it is glossy and smooth. Raises 1 hour, uncovered. Molded to 12-15 bun

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Flax seed Salt ...

Oatmeal, linseeds, sesame seeds and water boils easily to mush. The icy water, yeast, salt and olive oil stirred into porridge. In this mixed the flour it is kneaded well together in the porridge mixture. (stir for about 10 min) The dough is very soft, it m

Bread, buns & biscuits Grahams Cracked wheat kernels/rugkerner Oil ...

Boil water and oil up. Pour over the cracked wheat kernels and let it slowly cool down, for it is hand warm. Crumble the yeast in and stir until it is completely dissolved. Mix cottage cheese, salt, whole wheat flour and wheat flour in bulk. Let dough raise 1

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs 3-kornsblanding Flax seed ...

Warm 2 dl water up with flaxseed and 3-kornsbland. Let it soak, for it is hand warm. In a large casserole dish, mix salt, sugar, active dry yeast, flour and whole wheat flour, and pour the cereal mixture handwarmer and the rest of the water. Knead the dough we

Bread, buns & biscuits Fat Sugar Junket ...

Leaven: Yeast stirred into the water and junket. Sugar and wheat flour is added. The dough is beaten together with a ladle. Cover with a mini trangia or plastic film and made at room temperature for approximately 24 hours. Soaking: the water poured over the

Bread, buns & biscuits A few kilos of wheat flour Yeast Salt ...

The 6dl. water boiled up along with the salt and nuts in a pan for the get a porridge-like consistency. 6-8dl. water added, and when it's cold enough stir the yeast out. The flour is added, and the whole thing is mixed well. The batter may stick a little bit b

Pickling Sugar Water Red pepper ...

Blanch kumquatene (in shell) three times – in other words, set the water to a boil, drop them in won, take them up and let drain, boil new water and repeat. The way the blanched fruit and attended to the same amount of sugar in a saucepan. Pour the van on t

Pickling Sugar Vanilla pod Water ...

Rinse and dry kumquatene and cut them into slices. Remove all kernels. Chef van and sugar up with the split vanilla pod, add kumquatene and la them cooking without lid in 5-6 minutes until glazed sugar brine.