Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Sauces EVS. noilly prat Butter or olive oil Butter ell. cream to mount ...

Shallots, sauté in butter or olive oil until they are clear. The vinegar is poured in and reduced to the karameliserer easy around the buds. Madeira is added and the sauce is reduced to about one third. Fund added and there is reduced again to a little less

Mains A little cayenne pepper A little fintklippet chives Pepper ...

Arrow the prawns and put the shells in a dry saucepan. Style prawns to the page. Saute the shrimp shells over good heat, and steam as much moisture as possible from. Stir in shells during afdampningen. Add the butter, and sauté them well. Add the shredded vege

Mains Salt Butter Water ...

Dough: grease and water boiled up as greasy melts and cools again. The salt is mixed in the flour in a bowl and fat mass kneaded gradually in to a fixed smooth dough. The dough is covered with plastic wrap and rest in the fridge for an hour. Meanwhile prepa

Cold cuts Oil Salmon/lumpfish ROE Lemon juice ...

RID salmon of EVS. bones and skins. Chop it through the fine holes on the mincer. Do you have a food processor it can with advantage be used instead. Stir gently with the finely chopped onion so forcemeat, mustard and the cleaned fish roe (see recipe lumpfish

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Cognac Dried thyme ...

Partér each Rooster chicken into 4 pieces, and dry them thoroughly. Willow buds. Rinse and clean the mushrooms. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a pan, let roast slices roast light brown, take them up and place them aside until further notice. Com pieces of mea

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh Chervil ...

Calves koteletterne made ready for frying. Wind ruerne halved, stones removed, and the grapes are dried in the oven for about 15 minutes at 160 °. Bacon and shallots cut into very small cubes. Asparagus, cut on the bias and made ready for steaming.

Soups Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Behind the peppers in the oven at 200 degrees to the skin has loosened itself. Arrow skin of peppers. Peel the cucumber and remove the seeds. Blend all the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper. Set gazpachoen on ice and serve it chilled.

Sauces EVS. 100 g beef marrow. Salt Bay leaf ...

Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Rinse the parsley and thyme and bind it together with bay leaf. Bring the red wine to a boil, Cook the onion and herb bouquet in and cook ahead for good heat without a lid, for there are about half back. Melt butter, stir