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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Crushed Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken into 8 pieces. Brown them on a pan with salt and oil for about 20 minutes under the lid. Add garlic, capers and onion. Peperoncino, oregano and white wine are added. Lay the lid on and let it simmer. Pour tomatoes, bring the dish to boil and si

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt At grovbolle (80 g) ...

The bulgur is soaked in boiling water and draws approx. ½ hour under cover. The vegetables are rinsed and cut into small terns. Seasonings are rinsed and chopped well. The dressing is mixed. All ingredients are mixed together.

Mains Pepper Whipped cream Salt ...

Chop cod, spoon and onions in a machine. Stir it all together with egg, rasp and wheat flour, mustard potatoes and add a little cream until it gets a proper consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in margarine and oil until golden. tips: Eatin

Midnight snacks Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

The bottom is kneaded together with your hands and placed in the fridge for half an hour. The bottom is divided into a greased pie shape (note that it can not be rolled but must be laid in small lumps and smooth) and immersed in oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Ove

Sides Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Boil the potatoes. Mix the ingredients for the dressing. Peel and chop leaked nicely. Cut the potatoes into slices while still hot. Place potatoes and onions in a bowl and pour the dressing over. Leave the salad cool until serving. Sprinkle parsley to

Appetizers Ginger Pepper Raisins ...

Clean the salmon and fill it with raisins, put it in a dish and hug the lemons. Pour the cream into the dish so you get a delicious sauce and season with salt, pepper and ginger. tips: Remember ginger it is what gives the taste.

Mains Pepper Canola oil Rosemary ...

Clean the squid but keep your head fill it with olive and butter it into rapeseed oil and throw it on the grill. After half an hour, season it with rosemary salt and pepper and grill for 15 minutes. While grilling, cut the bananas into slices and find th

Mains Pepper (thawed) poulard at ca. 2 kg Garlic ...

The salad: Pour onions and garlic and remove seeds and seedlings carefully from the peppers. Chop all fine and leave the butter in a thickened pot without lid. It takes about 5 min. Be careful not to mix the mixture. Let the mixture cool off and stir the ging