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Recipes with Peeled tomatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Frying margarine for frying ...

The finely chopped onions Brown in frying margarine. Then add the minced beef, as Brown. The peeled tomatoes chopped finely and added with the liquid from the tomatoes. The pressed garlic added with oregano and grated carrots. The bacon cut into small cubes an

Mains A little chopped fresh parsley Salt Concentrated tomato puree ...

FRY bacon in a cast iron pan in olive oil and red onions and garlic then came in after a few minutes. Add beef, as Brown on all sides. Pour the red wine over and let the fumes a bit into. Then add peeled tomatoes, broth, tomato paste, Bay leaves, chili pepp

Mains Oil Oregano Paprika ...

Peel the potatoes. Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Next, cut kartolferne in both of 1/8. So take the appropriate size transparent plastic-bag for potatoes and place a tablespoon of oil in 4-5, add the spices in the bag, a good shot of salt and a little pepper

Mains Peas Wheat flour Corn kernels ...

1 kg. Beef or veal cut into cubes on a few cm., Brown lightly in butter and sprinkled with a little flour. 2 onions, chop finely, 3 green pepper holsters and 6 peeled tomatoes too, the whole roasted in oil, one starts with the onions and pepper and one come

Soups Basmati rice Well with chili (to taste) Frozen chicken ...

Take the innards out of the chicken and cook 1 hour in conjunction with boullionterningen. Cook the rice a little too long, stirring so it becomes sticky, and style it aside to cool off. Blend peanut butter, peeled tomatoes, onion and chilli together, an

Mains Pizza spice Grated cheese Tomato ketchup ...

The dough can be made the day before The yeast is poured into a bowl, and salten sprinkled over. Melt the butter and place in along with the other ingredients, achieving the yeast is melted. Dough raise approximately 1 1/2 size. Turn the oven on 300 g, if

Appetizers Peeled tomatoes Garlic Shrimp (preferably frozen) ...

Shrimp and place in a heat-proof platter peeled tomatoes, Hvidløgen pressed down in there and stir around. Thereafter lodging right in the middle of the oven there are preset at 200 C. It should now have about 1 hour. look for it in between. Tips: The w

Mains Giblets from the chicken Pepper Salt ...

Remove the bag of giblets. Put the giblets in a small saucepan with 2 cups water. Boil approximately 30 min. you now have a force-sky, which you can later pour in chicken right. The chicken rinse in cold water and blot dry. The chicken cutting into 8 pieces. B