Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Coarsely ground pepper Salt Oil ...

Bring 8-9 dl flour in a bowl with baking soda and salt. Whip the eggs together with oil and yogurt and mix with flour to a dough. Finally, bring the rest of the flour and small pieces of the soft butter into the dough and knead it well. Fill: Peel and chop

Mains Lemon juice Fresh thyme Oil ...

Soak the chickpeas overnight and cook with a little salt until they are completely tender. Share the cherry tomatoes in two. Chop the garlic well and turn it with white balsamic oil, olive oil, a little sugar and salt. Bring the tomatoes in a refractory dish w

Salads Pepper Coarse salt Onion ...

Peel potatoes and carrots. Cut them into smaller pieces and cook them with low heat and under low - until they are tender. Cut cucumbers and onions in slices and salt them for approx. ½ hour. Rinse them well and press them free of moisture in a cloth. Mash

Mains A little rice wine or dry sherry Oil Ginger ...

The meat is cut into very thin slices. The mushrooms are cleansed and divided into quarters. Tomato and onion cut into thin slices. The oil is heated in a wok. Turn the bowl in and fry until it's golden. Then add meat, tomato and mushrooms. It all fry at hi

Mains Pepper (freshly ground) Salt Bay leaf ...

Rip the sword with 1 ½ cm of space with a sharp knife. Chop the seed seeds, peel the white and chop it nicely. Stir both with oil and peppers. Rub thoroughly with the mixture, pack it in silver paper and leave it cool overnight. Turn on the oven to 200 g

Mains Bacon, sliced Strawberry Olive oil ...

The phase breasts are cut from the hull (the hull is used for fund) the bulbs are cut in both. The breasts, onions, garlic and thyme are exchanged in the oil for approx. 2 min. Spices with salt / pepper. Cream is added and the whole simmer for about 10 min,

Mains Pepper Salt Brown sugar ...

Cut the meat into small thin slices. Stir a marinade of sherry, soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of oil, daffodil, ginger and two pilled, squeezed garlic sauce. Turn the meat into marinade and keep it cool for a couple of hours. Pour onions and clean the pepp

Lunch Olive oil Whipped cream Pork loin ...

The meat is cut into millimeter thin slices. Season in olive oil on a pan for a very short time, take off and season with salt and pepper. The chopped onions are sautéed with mushrooms cut into slices. Add chopped parsley and whipped cream and cook it all t