Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Sweet chili Ground cumin Thyme ...

Grind roughly and mix with pork, rasp and spices. Stir the egg in and add cream. Stir to the father is lind and let a little rest (15 min). Step the meatballs in margarine. Form them with a spoon dipped in the melted margarine.

Mains Fat for frying Pepper Salt ...

Mix the meat with rice, coarse carrots, cracked onions, eggs and coarse walnut kernels. Season with salt and pepper. Stir the fried potatoes in golden fat on the forehead.

Mains Green bell pepper Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

The fennel is halved and put into boiling water and woods 3-4 minutes. If the fennel is very large, they can be quarted after they are cooked. Stir the meat with salt, pepper, milk, rasp, finely chopped onions and pepper fruit in the tern. Bring the pre-

Mains Paprika Eggs Onion ...

The pebbles are tapered along. The sticks are removed. The shells are rinsed completely free of cores. The chopped meat is mixed with raw, sliced ​​mushrooms, chopped, browned onion and rasp. The fathers are gathered with eggs and seasoned. It is distribute

Mains Salt Thyme, fresh Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Stir the meat with salt, pepper and thyme. Add eggs, squeezed garlic or grated onions and then the liquid a little at a time. Finally stir the flour, stir anyway. Daddy with a little more liquid if it is too

Mains Pepper Red bell pepper Salt ...

Mix the rasp, salt, pepper and milk and let it rest for 10 minutes. Add meat and finely chopped onion and stir well. Add the pepper and cheese. The parsley is shaped into a round bread and put into an ovenproof dish. Bake on the middle groove at 200 d

Mains Semi-skimmed milk Nutmeg Pepper ...

Stir the meat with salt. Add pepper, egg and possibly. grated onion. Add the milk a little at a time. Then stir the flour. Leave the dad to rest in the refrigerator for 10-30 minutes. Take the leaves of the cabbage, rinse them and cut them well. Pick the ca

Cold cuts Bread EVS. 3 tablespoons cognac or whiskey Salad ...

Cut bacon into strips across and shake them on a dry forehead. Chop onion and garlic and simmer for a few minutes with bacon. Cut the nuts. Mix all the ingredients of the pâté. Stir the father well together and put it in a form that contains approx. 11/2 li