Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Egg white for brushing Oil Paprika ...

Rub the meatpiece with salt and pepper and brown it on all sides in oil on a pan or in a pan. Take it up and let it swallow. Beat the butter dough and roll it out. Stir the finely chopped pepper, chopped onion and pepper in the cream cheese and taste it.

Mains Pepper Cream 13% Eggs ...

Stir the dad with salt, put the grated onion and the other ingredients and stir well together. Bring 1 liter of boiled water in a pan. Add 2 tsp salt. With a large teaspoon, meatballs are boiled in the water. About 8 min. Total. Take the balls with a casing

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, the juice of which ...

The meat is cut into thick strips and lighted fast - 1 minute - at high temperature of the pan or in a saucepan if necessary. Of a couple of times. Then take it up and put it warm. Chop the onions nicely and season them until they are clear. Then add broth

Salads Vinegar Oil Pepper ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices. Chop the onion, cucumber and parsley. Mix it all in a bowl. Mix oil and vinegar together after taste and add salt and pepper.

Mains Jævning Mashed potatoes A little Marjoram ...

The meat is cut at the edge, so the edges do not pull at the frying. Season the pieces of meat with salt and pepper, brown on a pan and place in a pan. The sliced ​​onions and carrots are cooked on a pan and added to the meat, along with the other ingredients.

Mains EVS. 1-2 dl. sour cream EVS. 3 tbsp. Sherry Pepper ...

Cut the well-squeezed meat into strips, about 5 cm. long. Chop the onions. Clean the mushrooms and cut them in quarters. Brown the meat in golden fat with high heat. Take it up. Brown the onions. Return the meat to the saucepan and sprinkle flour with const

Soups Crème fraiche 38% Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into small cubes and chopped. The margarine is melted in a saucepan and cooked onion and meat. Add salt and peppers and then water or broth. Boiling the meat is almost light 1-1½ hours. When the meat is almost tender, the potatoes and

Sides Pepper Salt Onion ...

Onions and mushrooms are chopped on a meat machine and mixed with eggs, oatmeal and raspberries. Salt and pepper added. Shaped into fry dishes, fry in oil.