Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Concentrated tomato puree Hot water Chili Peppers ...

The style is cut by the okra, which is halved. They rinse thoroughly. The margarine is melted. The meat and the chopped onions are browned and the chopped tomatoes are chopped and chopped with stirring for approx. 15 minutes. The warm water and the uprig

Mains Vinegar Seeds from a sour pomegranate Seeds from black grapes ...

Cut the meat into suitable pieces and put it in the pot, including water and salt. Cut some onions into small pieces. When the water boils, pour the onions together with dry coriander, pepper, ginger and finely ground cinnamon. If desired, walnuts can also be

Mains Baghar (tarka) Ferula assafoetida Turmeric, ground ...

Carefully clean the red lenses. Put them in a bowl and wash them in several teams of clean water. Put them soft for approx. 15 min., And let them drip into a sieve. Bring the drained lentils in a heavy pot together with spinach and water. Bring them to the

Lunch A little cumin Pepper Salt ...

Preheat the oven to 140 ° Pour the water from the soaked kidney beans and to them aside. Cut the bacon into smaller pieces and sauté them into a large thickened pot that can withstand the oven. Pour some oil at the bacon if it is too thin. Chop onion, ga

Mains Pepper Salt The foam-mini-or low-fat milk ...

Stir the lamb with egg, wheat flour, milk, finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper. The father may advantageously rest in the fridge for half an hour before being shaped into free dishes. Form your father to approx. 15 fry plates, wh

Sides Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Blend broth, onions, garlic and chili with a little salt and pepper. Heat the oil and stir the rice, stirring until they are well-greased. Add chili. Pour the spicy broth and cook the rice under the lid for 10 minutes. Mix corn kernels or beans in the ri

Soups Pepper Salt Chives, fresh ...

Peel the potatoes and cut into smaller pieces. Clean the pores and cut them well. Arrow sliced ​​it in quarters. Fry chicken stock. Potatoes, onions and pears are added and boiled under lid for approx. 30 minutes. Let the soup cool a little and then pure

Mains Cognac A handful of flour Fish balls ...

The meat is boiled with carrots, celery and onion for almost 2 hours. Sauce: Carrot, celery and onions are switched. Laurberry leaves, thyme, whole pepper and tomato puree are added. A handful of flour is added. Boil quietly for a couple of hours. The sa