Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Red peppers into small cubes ...

Cut the onions into thin slices. Pour the oil into a large frying pan. Place meat and onion alternately for approx. 5 layers. Start and finish with onions. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour vinegar and wine into the pan. Lay the lid on the pan and allow t

Mains Salt Tomatoes New potatoes ...

Cut the veal in large tern at approx. 3 x 3 cm. Cut the onions in the rings. Brown the pieces of meat in a pot of butter and olive oil and then add the loaves. Season with salt, add rosemary and water and allow the dish to cook under the lid. Make the tomat

Mains Ku1ør Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon into small cubes, let them brown in a pan and pick them up. Bring some butter into the pan and chop the chopped onion. It must not be brown. The meat is turned into flour, salt and pepper added, and baked in the pan with the onions. A coupl

Mains Pepper Salt Grated nutmeg ...

Divide the chicken or poulard into 8 pieces Cut the onions in small tern Cut the garlic cloves Peel and grate the ginger and the orange nuts Cut the lemon slice into thin slices. Cut the cloves into a mortar. Mix it all together with sambal oelek, coriander, n

Mains Salt Turmeric ASAM (tamarind) ...

Heat the water to it reaches a temperature of approx. 30 degrees. Stir Asam into that water and say it over a bowl. Press the last water out of the saw and save it. The rest is thrown out. Cut the pinned onions into small terns. Squeeze garlic cloves over the

Mains Pepper. White Salt Water ...

Freeze the meat for the toes and barriers and cut it into 3 cm cubes. Put them in a pot of cold water that just covers. Bring it to the boil and foam the soup. Make the vegetables, split them roughly and put them in the pan with the spices. Let the meat boil u

Mains Pepper Salt Fish sauce ...

Cut the meat into strips (about 1 x 4 cm.) Heat the oil in a wok. Chop onion, chili and garlic. Put it in the oil with the meat for approx. 2 min. Mix rice, dough, soy and fish sauce in a bowl and pour it to the meat. Stir in the wok and step for approx. 5 min

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Fresh basil leaves Freshly grated ginger ...

Boil the pasta. Clean and cut the vegetables in uniform, smaller pieces. Pile and pressure whipped and grate the ginger. Then mix all the ingredients for the sauce together. Heat the oil in a wok or a frying pan. Step the vegetables for a few minutes. Pour the