Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Coriander seeds Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Put the chickpeas in soft overnight. Let them run into a doorstep. Arrow and chop onion and garlic. Run all ingredients in a blender until the dough is firm and soft. Let the chickpeas stand for 4-6 hours at room temperature. Form small, rather flat bowl

Mains Pepper Salt Peaches ...

Cut onion and peaches ice cubes. Mix them with chopped tomatoes and chilisovs. Put the chicken thighs in a refractory dish. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper and benefit the peach mixture over the chicken thighs. Place the dish in a hot oven for 45 minutes at

Mains Fish bouillon powder Concentrated tomato puree Lime ...

Ask the fishmonger to fill the fish and remove the obstacles. If you are using fillets, cut them into 2 cm thick slices. The arrow and chin went well. The suite slipped into a pan in the oil. Put the fish pieces in the pan together with the glue, cut into thin

Mains Kødsnor Milk Pepper ...

Put the meat in a bowl of garlic and onions. Put in a little rasp and pour a little milk by stirring it and season with salt and pepper (it's just like a faddy's father). Cook the cauliflower head so it becomes tender (completely soft so you can peel off the l

Mains Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

Leave the cabbage leaves and blanch them in boiling water approx. 2 min. Let them drip well. Mix the minced meat with onion, parsley and spice with salt and pepper. Distribute the meat to the cabbage leaves and fold together. Bind possibly. With cotton yarn

Soups Cumin, ground Garlic Pepper ...

Remove the whole stem from the tomatoes with a knife and rinse them approx. 15 sec in boiling water and rinse under cold water, the tomatoes are cut and cut in both. The meat is cut into cubes and wrapped in the margarine. Bacon cut into cubes, onions in bo

Mains EVS. some sliced fresh ginger Water Bay leaf ...

Please ask the butcher to lace the steps or do it yourself. It's quite easy. Make a loop on a piece of white cotton yarn and wind it around the meat. End another loop. The lacing makes the steps easier to cut into nice slices. The steps are brown on al

Mains Pepper Salt Herbes de provence ...

Chicken thaws thawed and roasted on the forehead in margarine approx. 8 min. Sprinkle with salt and herbes de Provence. The china cabbage is cut into strips, the onions in cubes. Chicken cabbage, onions and tomatoes are spread into a greased refractory dish.