Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pineapple pieces Bamboo shoots Chili sauce etc. ...

Cut the meat into very fine strips and briefly put it into the oil. Take it from the heat and chop, then sliced ​​onion, split garlic sauce, finely chopped and pepper fruit strips, and finely sliced ​​mushrooms. Bring the meat and pour Indonesian soy sauce on.

Mains Butter or margarine Salt Grated Parmesan cheese ...

Stir the yeast out to about 35 degrees hot water. Add oil, salt and flour. Work the dough until it becomes smooth and allow it to rise for approx. 1 hour. Rinse and clean the mushrooms, squash and peppers cut into slices. Arrow slipped and cut it into slice

Mains EVS. Green Salad Salt Tomato puree ...

The yeast is stirred in the water. Salt and flour are added and the dough is well kneaded. Set aside for a slight spot about 1 hour. Fill: The bulbs are cut into cubes and swirled in the margarine. Mushrooms are cut into slices and wrapped with. The doug

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Minced oregano ...

Dough Stir yeast into 1 dl. lukewarm water. Sift the flour into a stirrup and make a hole in the middle to salt, sugar, olive oil and the dissolved yeast Beat the dough well with your hands and gradually add the rest of the water until a firm and lightl

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Dough: Stir yeast into 1 dl. lukewarm water. Sift the flour into a stirrup and make a hole in the middle to salt, sugar, olive oil and the dissolved yeast Beat the dough well with your hands and gradually add the rest of the water until a firm and lightl

Mains Chili (can be chili of any kind, but be careful with the dosage!) Curry Oregano ...

Onion, meat and curry browned Add tomatoes, greek yogurt, salt, pepper and oregano and boil for approx. 15 min. Taste of (may be strong - but beware!) Put the lasagne in a small tall dish to make more layers. Make the teams as follows: Sleep, spinach, plates a

Soups EVS. a little sour cream Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into small cubes. The lid is cut into cubes and swirled in the margarine. The pepper is cut into strips and added. The tomatoes are scalded, flaked and cut into quarters and added. The potatoes are added and the broth is pour

Soups EVS. sour cream for serving Alm. red chili fruit Onion ...

The peppers and the red chili are grilled or burned with gas flame on all sides until the skin is burned. Flip them often. Remove from the oven and cover with silver foil for about 10 minutes. Then the skin fades off the peppers. The cores are also removed. Th